Source code for threeML.plugins.PhotometryLike

import collections
import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from speclite.filters import FilterResponse, FilterSequence
from threeML.config import threeML_config
from import setup_logger
from import ResidualPlot
from threeML.plugins.XYLike import XYLike
from threeML.utils.photometry import FilterSet, PhotometericObservation

log = setup_logger(__name__)

__instrument_name = "Generic photometric data"

[docs] class BandNode: def __init__(self, name, index, value, mask): """ Container class that allows for the shutting on and off of bands """ self._name = name self._index = index self._mask = mask self._value = value self._on = True def _set_on(self, value=True): self._on = value self._mask[self._index] = self._on def _get_on(self): return self._on on = property( _get_on, _set_on, doc="Turn on or off the band. Use booleans, like: 'p.on = True' " " or 'p.on = False'. ", ) # Define property "fix" def _set_off(self, value=True): self._on = not value self._mask[self._index] = self._on def _get_off(self): return not self._on off = property( _get_off, _set_off, doc="Turn on or off the band. Use booleans, like: ' = True' " " or ' = False'. ", ) def __repr__(self): return f"on: {self._on}\nvalue: {self._value}"
[docs] class PhotometryLike(XYLike): def __init__( self, name: str, filters: Union[FilterSequence, FilterResponse], observation: PhotometericObservation, ): """ The photometry plugin is desinged to fit optical/IR/UV photometric data from a given filter system. Filters are given in the form a speclite ( FitlerResponse or FilterSequence objects. 3ML contains a vast number of filters via the SVO VO service: and can be accessed via: from threeML.utils.photometry import get_photometric_filter_library filter_lib = get_photometric_filter_library() Bands can be turned on and off by setting plugin.band_<band name>.on = False/True plugin.band_<band name>.off = False/True :param name: plugin name :param filters: speclite filters :param observation: A PhotometricObservation instance """ assert isinstance( observation, PhotometericObservation ), "Observation must be PhotometricObservation" # convert names so that only the filters are present # speclite uses '-' to separate instrument and filter if isinstance(filters, FilterSequence): # we have a filter sequence names = [fname.split("-")[1] for fname in filters.names] elif isinstance(filters, FilterResponse): # we have a filter response names = ["-")[1]] filters = FilterSequence([filters]) else: log.error("filters must be A FilterResponse or a FilterSequence") RuntimeError("filters must be A FilterResponse or a FilterSequence") # since we may only have a few of the filters in use # we will mask the filters not needed. The will stay fixed # during the life of the plugin if not observation.is_compatible_with_filter_set(filters): log.error("The data and filters are not congruent") raise AssertionError("The data and filters are not congruent") mask = observation.get_mask_from_filter_sequence(filters) if not mask.sum() > 0: log.error("There are no data in this observation!") raise AssertionError("There are no data in this observation!") # create a filter set and use only the bands that were specified self._filter_set = FilterSet(filters, mask) self._magnitudes = np.zeros(self._filter_set.n_bands) self._magnitude_errors = np.zeros(self._filter_set.n_bands) # we want to fill the magnitudes in the same order as the # the filters for i, band in enumerate(self._filter_set.filter_names): self._magnitudes[i] = observation[band][0] self._magnitude_errors[i] = observation[band][1] self._observation = observation # pass thru to XYLike super(PhotometryLike, self).__init__( name=name, x=self._filter_set.effective_wavelength, # dummy x values y=self._magnitudes, yerr=self._magnitude_errors, poisson_data=False, ) # now set up the mask zetting for i, band in enumerate(self._filter_set.filter_names): node = BandNode( band, i, (self._magnitudes[i], self._magnitude_errors[i]), self._mask, ) setattr(self, f"band_{band}", node) @property def observation(self) -> PhotometericObservation: return self._observation
[docs] @classmethod def from_kwargs(cls, name, filters, **kwargs): """ Example: grond = PhotometryLike.from_kwargs('GROND', filters=threeML_filter_library.ESO.GROND, g=(20.93,.23), r=(20.6,0.12), i=(20.4,.07), z=(20.3,.04), J=(20.0,.03), H=(19.8,.03), K=(19.7,.04)) Magnitudes and errors are entered as keyword arguments where the key is the filter name and the argument is a tuple containing the data. You can exclude data for individual filters and they will be ignored during the fit. NOTE: PhotometryLike expects apparent AB magnitudes. Please calibrate your data to this system :param name: plugin name :param filters: speclite filters :param kwargs: keyword args of band name and tuple(mag, mag error) """ return cls(name, filters, PhotometericObservation.from_kwargs(**kwargs))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, name: str, filters: Union[FilterResponse, FilterSequence], file_name: str, ): """ Create the a PhotometryLike plugin from a saved HDF5 data file :param name: plugin name :param filters: speclite filters :param file_name: name of the observation file """ return cls(name, filters, PhotometericObservation.from_hdf5(file_name))
@property def magnitudes(self): return self._magnitudes @property def magnitude_errors(self): return self._magnitude_errors
[docs] def set_model(self, likelihood_model): """ set the likelihood model :param likelihood_model: :return: """ super(PhotometryLike, self).set_model(likelihood_model) n_point_sources = self._likelihood_model.get_number_of_point_sources() # sum up the differential def differential_flux(energies): fluxes = self._likelihood_model.get_point_source_fluxes( 0, energies, tag=self._tag ) # If we have only one point source, this will never be executed for i in range(1, n_point_sources): fluxes += self._likelihood_model.get_point_source_fluxes( i, energies, tag=self._tag ) return fluxes self._filter_set.set_model(differential_flux)
def _get_total_expectation(self): return self._filter_set.ab_magnitudes()
[docs] def display_filters(self): """ display the filter transmission curves :return: """ return self._filter_set.plot_filters()
[docs] def plot( self, data_color: str = "r", model_color: str = "blue", show_data: bool = True, show_residuals: bool = True, show_legend: bool = True, model_label: Optional[str] = None, model_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, data_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> ResidualPlot: """TODO describe function :param data_color: :type data_color: str :param model_color: :type model_color: str :param show_data: :type show_data: bool :param show_residuals: :type show_residuals: bool :param show_legend: :type show_legend: bool :param model_label: :type model_label: Optional[str] :param model_kwargs: :type model_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :param data_kwargs: :type data_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] :returns: """ _default_model_kwargs = dict(color=model_color, alpha=1) _sub_menu = threeML_config.plotting.residual_plot _default_data_kwargs = dict( color=data_color, alpha=1, fmt=_sub_menu.marker, markersize=_sub_menu.size, ls="", elinewidth=_sub_menu.linewidth, capsize=0, ) # overwrite if these are in the confif _kwargs_menu = if _kwargs_menu.model_mpl_kwargs is not None: for k, v in _kwargs_menu.model_mpl_kwargs.items(): _default_model_kwargs[k] = v if _kwargs_menu.data_mpl_kwargs is not None: for k, v in _kwargs_menu.data_mpl_kwargs.items(): _default_data_kwargs[k] = v if model_kwargs is not None: if not type(model_kwargs) == dict: log.error("model_kwargs must be a dict") raise RuntimeError() for k, v in list(model_kwargs.items()): if k in _default_model_kwargs: _default_model_kwargs[k] = v else: _default_model_kwargs[k] = v if data_kwargs is not None: if not type(data_kwargs) == dict: log.error("data_kwargs must be a dict") raise RuntimeError() for k, v in list(data_kwargs.items()): if k in _default_data_kwargs: _default_data_kwargs[k] = v else: _default_data_kwargs[k] = v # since we define some defualts, lets not overwrite # the users _duplicates = (("ls", "linestyle"), ("lw", "linewidth")) for d in _duplicates: if (d[0] in _default_model_kwargs) and ( d[1] in _default_model_kwargs ): _default_model_kwargs.pop(d[0]) if (d[0] in _default_data_kwargs) and ( d[1] in _default_data_kwargs ): _default_data_kwargs.pop(d[0]) if model_label is None: model_label = f"{self._name} Model" avg_wave_length = ( self._filter_set.effective_wavelength.value ) # type: np.ndarray # need to sort because filters are not always in order sort_idx = avg_wave_length.argsort() expected_model_magnitudes = self._get_total_expectation()[sort_idx] magnitudes = self.magnitudes[sort_idx] mag_errors = self.magnitude_errors[sort_idx] avg_wave_length = avg_wave_length[sort_idx] residuals = (expected_model_magnitudes - magnitudes) / mag_errors widths = self._filter_set.wavelength_bounds.widths[sort_idx] residual_plot = ResidualPlot(show_residuals=show_residuals, **kwargs) residual_plot.add_data( x=avg_wave_length, y=magnitudes, xerr=widths / 2.0, yerr=mag_errors, residuals=residuals, label=self._name, show_data=show_data, **_default_data_kwargs, ) residual_plot.add_model( avg_wave_length, expected_model_magnitudes, label=model_label, **_default_model_kwargs, ) return residual_plot.finalize( xlabel=f"Wavelength\n({self._filter_set.waveunits})", ylabel="Magnitudes", xscale="linear", yscale="linear", invert_y=True, show_legend=show_legend )
def _new_plugin(self, name, x, y, yerr): """ construct a new PhotometryLike plugin. allows for returning a new plugin from simulated data set while customizing the constructor further down the inheritance tree :param name: new name :param x: new x :param y: new y :param yerr: new yerr :return: new XYLike """ bands = collections.OrderedDict() for i, band in enumerate(self._filter_set.filter_names): bands[band] = (y[i], yerr[i]) new_observation = PhotometericObservation.from_dict(bands) new_photo = PhotometryLike( name, filters=self._filter_set.speclite_filters, observation=new_observation, ) # apply the current mask new_photo._mask = copy.copy(self._mask) return new_photo