Source code for threeML.plugins.OGIPLike

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from import setup_logger
from threeML.plugins.DispersionSpectrumLike import DispersionSpectrumLike
from threeML.plugins.SpectrumLike import SpectrumLike
from threeML.plugins.XYLike import XYLike
from threeML.utils.OGIP.pha import PHAII, PHAWrite
from threeML.utils.spectrum.pha_spectrum import PHASpectrum

__instrument_name = "All OGIP-compliant instruments"

log = setup_logger(__name__)

_valid_obs_types = (str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII)
_valid_bkg_types = (str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII, SpectrumLike, XYLike)

[docs] class OGIPLike(DispersionSpectrumLike): def __init__( self, name: str, observation: Union[str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII], background: Optional[ Union[str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII, SpectrumLike, XYLike] ] = None, response: Optional[str] = None, arf_file: Optional[str] = None, spectrum_number: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, ): """ Create a DisperionSpectrumLike plugin from OGIP data. This is the main plugin to use for 'XSPEC' style data from FITS files. Basic usage: plugin = OGIPLike('name', observation='my_observation.fits', background='my_background.fits', response='rsp.rmf', arf_file='arf.arf') Various combinations of these arguments can be used. For example, a background may not be required or the RMF and ARF may be combined into one file and entered as the response. If using another plugin as a background rather than a data file, simply pass that plugin as the background argument. :param name: :type name: str :param observation: :type observation: Union[str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII] :param background: :type background: Optional[ Union[str, Path, PHASpectrum, PHAII, SpectrumLike, XYLike] ] :param response: :type response: Optional[str] :param arf_file: :type arf_file: Optional[str] :param spectrum_number: :type spectrum_number: Optional[int] :param verbose: :type verbose: bool :returns: """ # Read the pha file (or the PHAContainer instance) for t in _valid_obs_types: if isinstance(observation, t): break else: log.error( f"observation must be a FITS file name or PHASpectrum, not {type(observation)}" ) raise RuntimeError() for t in _valid_bkg_types: if isinstance(background, t) or (background is None): break else: log.error( f"background must be a FITS file name, PHASpectrum, a Plugin or None, not {type(background)}" ) raise RuntimeError() if not isinstance(observation, PHASpectrum): pha = PHASpectrum( observation, spectrum_number=spectrum_number, file_type="observed", rsp_file=response, arf_file=arf_file, ) else: pha = observation # Get the required background file, response and (if present) arf_file either from the # calling sequence or the file. # NOTE: if one of the file is specified in the calling sequence, it will be used whether or not there is an # equivalent specification in the header. This allows the user to override the content of the header of the # PHA file, if needed if background is None: log.debug(f"{name} has no bkg set") background = pha.background_file if background is not None: log.warning(f"Using background from FIT header: {background}") # assert background is not None, "No background file provided, and the PHA file does not specify one." # Get a PHA instance with the background, we pass the response to get the energy bounds in the # histogram constructor. It is not saved to the background class if background is None: # in the case there is no background file bak = None elif isinstance(background, SpectrumLike) or isinstance( background, XYLike ): # this will be a background bak = background elif not isinstance(background, PHASpectrum): bak = PHASpectrum( background, spectrum_number=spectrum_number, file_type="background", rsp_file=pha.response, ) else: bak = background # we do not need to pass the response as it is contained in the observation (pha) spectrum # already. super(OGIPLike, self).__init__( name=name, observation=pha, background=bak, verbose=verbose )
[docs] def get_simulated_dataset( self, new_name: Optional[str] = None, spectrum_number: int = 1, **kwargs ) -> "OGIPLike": """ Returns another OGIPLike instance where data have been obtained by randomizing the current expectation from the model, as well as from the background (depending on the respective noise models) :param new_name: name of the simulated plugin :param spectrum_number: spectrum number (default is 1) :param kwargs: keywords to pass back up to parents :return: a DispersionSpectrumLike simulated instance """ # pass the response thru to the constructor return super(OGIPLike, self).get_simulated_dataset( new_name=new_name, spectrum_number=spectrum_number, response=self._response.clone(), **kwargs, )
@property def grouping(self): return self._observed_spectrum.grouping
[docs] def write_pha( self, file_name: str, overwrite: bool = False, force_rsp_write: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Create a pha file of the current pha selections :param file_name: output file name (excluding extension) :param overwrite: overwrite the files :param force_rsp_write: for an rsp to be saved :return: None """ pha_writer = PHAWrite(self) pha_writer.write( file_name, overwrite=overwrite, force_rsp_write=force_rsp_write )
def _output(self): # type: () -> pd.Series superout = super(OGIPLike, self)._output() if self._background_spectrum is not None: bak_file = self._background_spectrum.filename else: bak_file = None this_out = { "pha file": self._observed_spectrum.filename, "bak file": bak_file, } this_df = pd.Series(this_out) #return this_df.append(superout) return pd.concat([this_df, superout])
[docs] @classmethod def from_general_dispersion_spectrum(cls, dispersion_like): # type: (DispersionSpectrumLike) -> OGIPLike """ Build on OGIPLike from a dispersion like. This makes it easy to write a dispersion like to a pha file :param dispersion_like: :return: """ pha_files = dispersion_like.get_pha_files() observed = pha_files["pha"] if "bak" in pha_files: background = pha_files["bak"] else: background = None observed_pha = PHASpectrum.from_dispersion_spectrum( observed, file_type="observed" ) if background is None: background_pha = None else: # we need to pass the response from the observations # to figure out the bounds of the background background_pha = PHASpectrum.from_dispersion_spectrum( background, file_type="background", response=observed.response ) return cls(, observation=observed_pha, background=background_pha, verbose=False, )