Source code for

from builtins import object
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import long_path_formatter
from import display
from import uncertainty_formatter

[docs] class ResultsTable(object): def __init__( self, parameter_paths, values, negative_errors, positive_errors, units ): values_s = pd.Series([], dtype=np.float64) negative_error_s = pd.Series([], dtype=np.float64) positive_error_s = pd.Series([], dtype=np.float64) units_s = pd.Series([], dtype=np.float64) for i, this_path in enumerate(parameter_paths): # Check if this parameter has a dex() unit, i.e., if it is in log10 scale # If it is, we display the transformed value, not the logarithm units_s[this_path] = units[i] if units_s[this_path].to_string().find("dex") < 0: # A normal parameter values_s[this_path] = values[i] negative_error_s[this_path] = negative_errors[i] positive_error_s[this_path] = positive_errors[i] else: # A dex() parameter (logarithmic parameter) values_s[this_path] = 10 ** values[i] negative_error_s[this_path] = ( 10 ** (values[i] + negative_errors[i]) - values_s[this_path] ) positive_error_s[this_path] = ( 10 ** (values[i] + positive_errors[i]) - values_s[this_path] ) self._data_frame = pd.DataFrame() self._data_frame["value"] = values_s self._data_frame["negative_error"] = negative_error_s self._data_frame["positive_error"] = positive_error_s self._data_frame["error"] = ( np.abs(negative_error_s.values) + positive_error_s.values ) / 2.0 self._data_frame["unit"] = units_s @property def frame(self): return self._data_frame
[docs] def display(self, key_formatter=long_path_formatter): def row_formatter(row): value = row["value"] lower_bound = value + row["negative_error"] upper_bound = value + row["positive_error"] pretty_string = uncertainty_formatter(value, lower_bound, upper_bound) return pretty_string # Make another data frame with the keys new_frame = self._data_frame.copy(deep=True) # type: pd.DataFrame # Add new column which will become the new index new_frame["parameter"] = [key_formatter(x) for x in new_frame.index.values] # Set it as the index new_frame.set_index("parameter", drop=True, inplace=True) # compute the display new_frame["result"] = new_frame.apply(row_formatter, axis=1) # Display display(new_frame[["result", "unit"]])