Source code for threeML.minimizer.scipy_minimizer

from builtins import zip

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

import scipy.optimize

from import setup_logger
from threeML.minimizer.minimization import FitFailed, LocalMinimizer
from threeML.utils.differentiation import get_jacobian

log = setup_logger(__name__)


[docs]class ScipyMinimizer(LocalMinimizer): valid_setup_keys = ("tol", "algorithm") def __init__(self, function, parameters, verbosity=10, setup_dict=None): super(ScipyMinimizer, self).__init__( function, parameters, verbosity, setup_dict ) def _setup(self, user_setup_dict): if user_setup_dict is None: default_setup = {"algorithm": "L-BFGS-B", "tol": 0.0001} self._setup_dict = default_setup else: if "algorithm" in user_setup_dict: if not user_setup_dict["algorithm"] in _SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS: log.error("Supported algorithms are %s" % (",".join(_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS))) raise AssertionError()"scipy minimizer algorithm set to:{user_setup_dict['algorithm']}") # We can assume that the setup has been already checked against the setup_keys for key in user_setup_dict: self._setup_dict[key] = user_setup_dict[key]
[docs] def set_algorithm(self, algorithm: str) -> None: """ set the algorithm for the scipy minimizer. Valid entries are "L-BFGS-B", "TNC", "SLSQP" :param algorithm: :type algorithm: str :returns: """ if algorithm not in _SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS: log.error("Supported algorithms are %s" % (",".join(_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS))) raise AssertionError() self._setup_dict["algorithm"] = algorithm
# This cannot be part of a class, unfortunately, because of how PyGMO serialize objects @staticmethod def _check_bounds(x, minima, maxima): # return _check_bounds(x, minima, maxima) for val, min_val, max_val in zip(x, minima, maxima): if min_val is not None: if val < min_val: return False if max_val is not None: if val > max_val: return False return True def _minimize(self): # Build initial point x0 = [] bounds = [] minima = [] maxima = [] for i, (par_name, (cur_value, cur_delta, cur_min, cur_max)) in enumerate( self._internal_parameters.items() ): x0.append(cur_value) # scipy's algorithms will always try to evaluate the function exactly at the boundaries, which will # fail because the Jacobian is not defined there... let's fix this by using a slightly larger or smaller # minimum and maximum within the scipy algorithm than the real boundaries (saved in minima and maxima) minima.append(cur_min) maxima.append(cur_max) if cur_min is not None: cur_min = cur_min + 0.00005 * abs(cur_min) if cur_max is not None: cur_max = cur_max - 0.00005 * abs(cur_max) bounds.append((cur_min, cur_max)) def wrapper(x): if not self._check_bounds(x, minima, maxima): return np.inf return self.function(*x) def wrapper_2(*x): return wrapper(x) def jacobian(x): if not self._check_bounds(x, minima, maxima): return np.inf jacv = get_jacobian(wrapper_2, x, minima, maxima) return jacv res = scipy.optimize.minimize( wrapper, np.array(x0), method=self._setup_dict["algorithm"], bounds=bounds, jac=jacobian, tol=self._setup_dict["tol"], ) # Make sure the optimization worked if not res.success: raise FitFailed( "Could not converge. Message from solver: %s (status: %i)" % (res.message, res.status) ) # Transform the result to numpy.array best_fit_values = np.array(res.x) return best_fit_values, float(
@nb.njit(fastmath=True) def _check_bounds(x, minima, maxima): for val, min_val, max_val in zip(x, minima, maxima): if min_val is not None: if val < min_val: return False if max_val is not None: if val > max_val: return False return True