Source code for threeML.catalogs.Swift

import re
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from builtins import map, range, str

import astropy.table as astro_table
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from future import standard_library

from threeML.catalogs.VirtualObservatoryCatalog import \
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import get_heasarc_table_as_pandas
from import setup_logger
from import display


log = setup_logger(__name__)

_gcn_match = re.compile("^\d{4}GCN\D?\.*(\d*)\.*\d\D$")
_trigger_name_match = re.compile("^GRB \d{6}[A-Z]$")

[docs]class SwiftGRBCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): """ The Swift GRB catalog. Search for GRBs by trigger number, location, T90, and date range. :param update: force update the XML VO table """ self._update = update super(SwiftGRBCatalog, self).__init__( "swiftgrb", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Swift"]["catalogs"]["Swift GRB catalog"].url, "Swift GRB catalog", ) # collect all the instruments also seeing the GRBs self._build_other_obs_instruments()
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): new_table = table[ "name", "ra", "dec", "trigger_time", "redshift", "bat_t90", "bat_detection", "xrt_detection", "xrt_flare", "uvot_detection", "radio_detection", "opt_detection", ] new_table["ra"].format = "5.3f" new_table["dec"].format = "5.3f" return new_table.group_by("trigger_time")
def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "swiftgrb", update=self._update, cache_time_days=1.0 ) def _source_is_valid(self, source): warn_string = ( "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form GRB080916009" % source ) match = _trigger_name_match.match(source) if match is None: log.warning(warn_string) answer = False else: answer = True return answer def _build_other_obs_instruments(self): """ builds a list of all the other instruments that observed Swift GRBs :return: """ obs_inst_ = list( map( np.unique, [ np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs2), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs3), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs4), ], ) ) self._other_observings_instruments = [ x for x in np.unique(np.concatenate(obs_inst_)) if x != "" ] @property def other_observing_instruments(self): return self._other_observings_instruments
[docs] def query_other_observing_instruments(self, *instruments): """ search for observations that were also seen by the requested instrument. to see what instruments are available, use the .other_observing_instruments call :param instruments: other instruments :return: """ all_queries = [] for instrument in instruments: assert instrument in self._other_observings_instruments, ( "Other instrument choices include %s" % (" ,".join(self._other_observings_instruments)) ) query_string = ( ' other_obs == "%s" | other_obs2 == "%s" |other_obs3 == "%s" |other_obs4 == "%s"' % tuple([instrument] * 4) ) result = self._vo_dataframe.query(query_string) all_queries.append(result) query_results = pd.concat(all_queries) table = astro_table.Table.from_pandas(query_results) name_column = astro_table.Column( name="name", data=query_results.index) table.add_column(name_column, index=0) out = self.apply_format(table) self._last_query_results = query_results return out
@staticmethod def _get_fermiGBM_trigger_number_from_gcn(gcn_url): """ this is a custom function that parses GBM GCNs to find the burst number that can later be used to download GBM data. It contains a lot of regex statements to handle the variability in the GCNs :param gcn_url: url to gbm gcn :return: """ data = urllib.request.urlopen(gcn_url) data_decode = [] for x in data.readlines(): try: tmp = str(x, "utf-8") data_decode.append(tmp) except (UnicodeDecodeError): pass string = "".join(data_decode).replace("\n", "") try: trigger_number = ("trigger *\d* */ *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "GBM *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3}), *trigger *\d*", string) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "trigger *\d* *, *trigcat *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "trigger *.* */ *\D{0,3}(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "Trigger number*.* */ *GRB *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string, ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): trigger_number = None return trigger_number
[docs] def get_other_observation_information(self): """ returns a structured pandas table containing the other observing instruments, their GCNs and if obtainable, their trigger numbers/ data identifiers. Currently, the trigger number is only obtained for Fermi-LAT-GBM. :return: """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" # Loop over the table and build a source for each entry sources = {} for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): # First we want to get the the detectors used in the SCAT file obs_instrument = {} for obs in ["xrt", "uvot", "bat", "opt", "radio"]: obs_detection = "%s_detection" % obs if obs in ["xrt", "uvot", "bat"]: obs_ref = "%s_pos_ref" % obs else: obs_ref = "%s_ref" % obs detect = row[obs_detection] if detect == "Y": # or detect== 'U': observed = True else: observed = False if observed: reference = self._parse_redshift_reference(row[obs_ref]) # gcn = "" % gcn_number info = {"reference": reference, "observed": detect} else: info = {"GCN": None, "observed": detect} obs_instrument[obs] = info sources[name] = obs_instrument sources = pd.concat( list(map(pd.DataFrame, list(sources.values()))), keys=list(sources.keys()) ) return sources
[docs] def get_other_instrument_information(self): """ Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models :return: observing information dataframe indexed by source """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" sources = {} for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): obs_instrument = {} # loop over the observation indices for obs in range(1, 5): if obs == 1: obs_base = "other_obs" else: obs_base = "other_obs%d" % obs obs_ref = "%s_ref" % obs_base obs = row[obs_base] # this means that nothing in this column saw the grb if obs == "": observed = False else: observed = True if observed: # if we saw it then lets get the GCN gcn_number =[obs_ref]).group(1) # gcn_number = filter(lambda x: x != '', row[obs_ref].split('.'))[1] # make the URL gcn = "" % gcn_number # just for Fermi GBM, lets get the trigger number # TODO: add more instruments if obs == "Fermi-GBM": info = { "GCN": gcn, "trigger number": self._get_fermiGBM_trigger_number_from_gcn( str(gcn) ), } else: info = {"GCN": gcn, "trigger number": None} obs_instrument[obs] = info sources[name] = obs_instrument # build the data frame sources = pd.concat( list(map(pd.DataFrame, list(sources.values()))), keys=list(sources.keys()) ) display(sources) return sources
[docs] def get_redshift(self): """ Get the redshift and redshift type from the searched sources :return: """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" redshift_df = ( self._last_query_results.loc[ :, ["redshift", "redshift_err", "redshift_type", "redshift_ref"] ] ).copy(deep=True) redshift_df = redshift_df.rename( columns={ "redshift": "z", "redshift_err": "z err", "redshift_type": "z type", "redshift_ref": "reference", } ) redshift_df["reference"] = redshift_df["reference"].apply( self._parse_redshift_reference ) return redshift_df
@staticmethod def _parse_redshift_reference(reference): if reference == "": url = None elif "GCN" in reference: gcn_number = url = "" % gcn_number else: url = "" % reference return url