Source code for

from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import step_plot

# this file contains routines for plotting binned light curves

[docs]def binned_light_curve_plot( time_bins, cnts, width, bkg=None, selection=None, bkg_selections=None ): """ :param time_bins: stacked array of time intervals :param cnts: counts per bin :param bkg: background of the light curve :param width: with of the bins :param selection: bin selection :param bkg_selections: :param instrument: :return: """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() top = max(old_div(cnts, width)) * 1.2 min_cnts = min(old_div(cnts[cnts > 0], width[cnts > 0])) * 0.95 bottom = min_cnts mean_time = np.mean(time_bins, axis=1) all_masks = [] # round np.round(time_bins, decimals=4, out=time_bins) light_curve_color = threeML_config["lightcurve"]["lightcurve color"] selection_color = threeML_config["lightcurve"]["selection color"] background_color = threeML_config["lightcurve"]["background color"] background_selection_color = threeML_config["lightcurve"][ "background selection color" ] # first plot the full lightcurve step_plot( time_bins, old_div(cnts, width), ax, color=light_curve_color, label="Light Curve", ) if selection is not None: # now plot the temporal selections np.round(selection, decimals=4, out=selection) for tmin, tmax in selection: tmp_mask = np.logical_and(time_bins[:, 0] >= tmin, time_bins[:, 1] <= tmax) all_masks.append(tmp_mask) if len(all_masks) > 1: for mask in all_masks[1:]: step_plot( time_bins[mask], old_div(cnts[mask], width[mask]), ax, color=selection_color, fill=True, fill_min=min_cnts, ) step_plot( time_bins[all_masks[0]], old_div(cnts[all_masks[0]], width[all_masks[0]]), ax, color=selection_color, fill=True, fill_min=min_cnts, label="Selection", ) # now plot the background selections if bkg_selections is not None: np.round(bkg_selections, decimals=4, out=bkg_selections) all_masks = [] for tmin, tmax in bkg_selections: tmp_mask = np.logical_and(time_bins[:, 0] >= tmin, time_bins[:, 1] <= tmax) all_masks.append(tmp_mask) if len(all_masks) > 1: for mask in all_masks[1:]: step_plot( time_bins[mask], old_div(cnts[mask], width[mask]), ax, color=background_selection_color, fill=True, alpha=0.4, fill_min=min_cnts, ) step_plot( time_bins[all_masks[0]], old_div(cnts[all_masks[0]], width[all_masks[0]]), ax, color=background_selection_color, fill=True, fill_min=min_cnts, alpha=0.4, label="Bkg. Selections", zorder=-30, ) if bkg is not None: # now plot the estimated background ax.plot(mean_time, bkg, background_color, lw=2.0, label="Background") # ax.fill_between(selection, bottom, top, color="#fc8d62", alpha=.4) ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax.set_ylabel("Rate (cnts/s)") ax.set_ylim(bottom, top) ax.set_xlim(time_bins.min(), time_bins.max()) ax.legend() return fig
[docs]def channel_plot(ax, chan_min, chan_max, counts, **kwargs): chans = np.vstack([chan_min, chan_max]).T width = chan_max - chan_min step_plot(chans, old_div(counts, width), ax, **kwargs) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") return ax
[docs]def disjoint_patch_plot(ax, bin_min, bin_max, top, bottom, mask, **kwargs): # type: (plt.Axes, np.array, np.array, float, float, np.array, dict) -> None """ plots patches that are disjoint given by the mask :param ax: matplotlib Axes to plot to :param bin_min: bin starts :param bin_max: bin stops :param top: top y value to plot :param bottom: bottom y value to plot :param mask: mask of the bins :param kwargs: matplotlib plot keywords :return: """ # Figure out the best limit # Find the contiguous regions that are selected non_zero = (mask).nonzero()[0] if len(non_zero) > 0: slices = slice_disjoint(non_zero) for region in slices: ax.fill_between( [bin_min[region[0]], bin_max[region[1]]], bottom, top, **kwargs ) ax.set_ylim(bottom, top)
[docs]def slice_disjoint(arr): """ Returns an array of disjoint indices from a bool array :param arr: and array of bools """ slices = [] start_slice = arr[0] counter = 0 for i in range(len(arr) - 1): if arr[i + 1] > arr[i] + 1: end_slice = arr[i] slices.append([start_slice, end_slice]) start_slice = arr[i + 1] counter += 1 if counter == 0: return [[arr[0], arr[-1]]] if end_slice != arr[-1]: slices.append([start_slice, arr[-1]]) return slices
[docs]def plot_tte_lightcurve(tte_file, start=-10, stop=50, dt=1): # type: (str, float, float, float) -> plt.Figure """ quick plot of a TTE light curve :param tte_file: GBM TTE file name :param start: start of the light curve :param stop: stop of the light curve :param dt: with of the bins """ # build a quick object that will extract the data # the local import is because GBMTTEFile is dependent # on other files from threeML.plugins.FermiGBMTTELike import GBMTTEFile tte = GBMTTEFile(ttefile=tte_file) # bin the data with np hist bins = np.arange(start, stop, step=dt) counts, bins = np.histogram(tte.arrival_times - tte.trigger_time, bins=bins) width = np.diff(bins) time_bins = np.array(list(zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:]))) # plot the light curve binned_light_curve_plot(time_bins=time_bins, cnts=counts, width=width)