Source code for threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions

import warnings as custom_warnings
import inspect
import functools

# Monkeypatch the print of warning so we can customize them

[docs]def my_format_warning(message, category, filename, lineo, line=None): """ Override the default showwarning to customize the appearance of warnings :return: """ # if message.message.find("may indicate binary incompatibility") >= 0: # return '' return "\nWARNING %s: %s\n\n" % (category.__name__, message)
custom_warnings.formatwarning = my_format_warning
[docs]class NegativeBackground(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class TriggerDoesNotExist(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class ForbiddenRegionOfParameterSpace(RuntimeWarning): pass
[docs]class CppInterfaceNotAvailable(ImportWarning): pass
[docs]class CannotImportPlugin(ImportWarning): pass
[docs]class LikelihoodIsInfinite(RuntimeWarning): pass
[docs]class FitFailed(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class ConfigurationFileCorrupt(RuntimeWarning): pass
[docs]class deprecated(object): def __init__(self, reason): if inspect.isclass(reason) or inspect.isfunction(reason): raise TypeError("Reason for deprecation must be supplied") self.reason = reason def __call__(self, cls_or_func): if inspect.isfunction(cls_or_func): if hasattr(cls_or_func, "func_code"): _code = cls_or_func.func_code else: _code = cls_or_func.__code__ fmt = "Call to deprecated function or method {name} ({reason})." filename = _code.co_filename lineno = _code.co_firstlineno + 1 elif inspect.isclass(cls_or_func): fmt = "Call to deprecated class {name} ({reason})." filename = cls_or_func.__module__ lineno = 1 else: raise TypeError(type(cls_or_func)) msg = fmt.format(name=cls_or_func.__name__, reason=self.reason) @functools.wraps(cls_or_func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): custom_warnings.simplefilter( "always", DeprecationWarning ) # turn off filter custom_warnings.warn_explicit( msg, category=DeprecationWarning, filename=filename, lineno=lineno ) custom_warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) # reset filter return cls_or_func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func