Source code for threeML.catalogs.Swift

from future import standard_library

from builtins import map
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse

import astropy.table as astro_table

from threeML.catalogs.VirtualObservatoryCatalog import VirtualObservatoryCatalog
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import get_heasarc_table_as_pandas
from import display

import astropy.time as astro_time

_gcn_match = re.compile("^\d{4}GCN\D?\.*(\d*)\.*\d\D$")
_trigger_name_match = re.compile("^GRB \d{6}[A-Z]$")

[docs]class SwiftGRBCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): """ The Swift GRB catalog. Search for GRBs by trigger number, location, T90, and date range. :param update: force update the XML VO table """ self._update = update super(SwiftGRBCatalog, self).__init__( "swiftgrb", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Swift"]["Swift GRB catalog"], "Swift GRB catalog", ) # collect all the instruments also seeing the GRBs self._build_other_obs_instruments()
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): new_table = table[ "name", "ra", "dec", "trigger_time", "redshift", "bat_t90", "bat_detection", "xrt_detection", "xrt_flare", "uvot_detection", "radio_detection", "opt_detection", ] new_table["ra"].format = "5.3f" new_table["dec"].format = "5.3f" return new_table.group_by("trigger_time")
def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "swiftgrb", update=self._update, cache_time_days=1.0 ) def _source_is_valid(self, source): warn_string = ( "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form GRB080916009" % source ) match = _trigger_name_match.match(source) if match is None: custom_warnings.warn(warn_string) answer = False else: answer = True return answer def _build_other_obs_instruments(self): """ builds a list of all the other instruments that observed Swift GRBs :return: """ obs_inst_ = list( map( np.unique, [ np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs2), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs3), np.asarray(self._vo_dataframe.other_obs4), ], ) ) self._other_observings_instruments = [ x for x in np.unique(np.concatenate(obs_inst_)) if x != "" ] @property def other_observing_instruments(self): return self._other_observings_instruments
[docs] def query_other_observing_instruments(self, *instruments): """ search for observations that were also seen by the requested instrument. to see what instruments are available, use the .other_observing_instruments call :param instruments: other instruments :return: """ all_queries = [] for instrument in instruments: assert instrument in self._other_observings_instruments, ( "Other instrument choices include %s" % (" ,".join(self._other_observings_instruments)) ) query_string = ( ' other_obs == "%s" | other_obs2 == "%s" |other_obs3 == "%s" |other_obs4 == "%s"' % tuple([instrument] * 4) ) result = self._vo_dataframe.query(query_string) all_queries.append(result) query_results = pd.concat(all_queries) table = astro_table.Table.from_pandas(query_results) name_column = astro_table.Column(name="name", data=query_results.index) table.add_column(name_column, index=0) out = self.apply_format(table) self._last_query_results = query_results return out
@staticmethod def _get_fermiGBM_trigger_number_from_gcn(gcn_url): """ this is a custom function that parses GBM GCNs to find the burst number that can later be used to download GBM data. It contains a lot of regex statements to handle the variability in the GCNs :param gcn_url: url to gbm gcn :return: """ data = urllib.request.urlopen(gcn_url) data_decode = [] for x in data.readlines(): try: tmp = str(x, "utf-8") data_decode.append(tmp) except (UnicodeDecodeError): pass string = "".join(data_decode).replace("\n", "") try: trigger_number = ("trigger *\d* */ *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ("GBM *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3}), *trigger *\d*", string) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "trigger *\d* *, *trigcat *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "trigger *.* */ *\D{0,3}(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): try: trigger_number = ( "Trigger number*.* */ *GRB *(\d{9}|\d{6}\.\d{3})", string, ) .group(1) .replace(".", "") ) except (AttributeError): trigger_number = None return trigger_number
[docs] def get_other_observation_information(self): """ returns a structured pandas table containing the other observing instruments, their GCNs and if obtainable, their trigger numbers/ data identifiers. Currently, the trigger number is only obtained for Fermi-LAT-GBM. :return: """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" # Loop over the table and build a source for each entry sources = {} for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): # First we want to get the the detectors used in the SCAT file obs_instrument = {} for obs in ["xrt", "uvot", "bat", "opt", "radio"]: obs_detection = "%s_detection" % obs if obs in ["xrt", "uvot", "bat"]: obs_ref = "%s_pos_ref" % obs else: obs_ref = "%s_ref" % obs detect = row[obs_detection] if detect == "Y": # or detect== 'U': observed = True else: observed = False if observed: reference = self._parse_redshift_reference(row[obs_ref]) # gcn = "" % gcn_number info = {"reference": reference, "observed": detect} else: info = {"GCN": None, "observed": detect} obs_instrument[obs] = info sources[name] = obs_instrument sources = pd.concat( list(map(pd.DataFrame, list(sources.values()))), keys=list(sources.keys()) ) return sources
[docs] def get_other_instrument_information(self): """ Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models :return: observing information dataframe indexed by source """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" sources = {} for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): obs_instrument = {} # loop over the observation indices for obs in range(1, 5): if obs == 1: obs_base = "other_obs" else: obs_base = "other_obs%d" % obs obs_ref = "%s_ref" % obs_base obs = row[obs_base] # this means that nothing in this column saw the grb if obs == "": observed = False else: observed = True if observed: # if we saw it then lets get the GCN gcn_number =[obs_ref]).group(1) # gcn_number = filter(lambda x: x != '', row[obs_ref].split('.'))[1] # make the URL gcn = "" % gcn_number # just for Fermi GBM, lets get the trigger number # TODO: add more instruments if obs == "Fermi-GBM": info = { "GCN": gcn, "trigger number": self._get_fermiGBM_trigger_number_from_gcn( str(gcn) ), } else: info = {"GCN": gcn, "trigger number": None} obs_instrument[obs] = info sources[name] = obs_instrument # build the data frame sources = pd.concat( list(map(pd.DataFrame, list(sources.values()))), keys=list(sources.keys()) ) display(sources) return sources
[docs] def get_redshift(self): """ Get the redshift and redshift type from the searched sources :return: """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting observing information" redshift_df = ( self._last_query_results.loc[ :, ["redshift", "redshift_err", "redshift_type", "redshift_ref"] ] ).copy(deep=True) redshift_df = redshift_df.rename( columns={ "redshift": "z", "redshift_err": "z err", "redshift_type": "z type", "redshift_ref": "reference", } ) redshift_df["reference"] = redshift_df["reference"].apply( self._parse_redshift_reference ) return redshift_df
@staticmethod def _parse_redshift_reference(reference): if reference == "": url = None elif "GCN" in reference: gcn_number = url = "" % gcn_number else: url = "" % reference return url