Source code for threeML.utils.time_series.time_series

__author__ = "grburgess"

import collections
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional
import warnings

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from threeML.config.config_utils import get_value_kwargs
from import sanitize_filename
from import setup_logger
from threeML.parallel.parallel_client import ParallelClient
from threeML.utils.progress_bar import trange
from threeML.utils.spectrum.binned_spectrum import Quality
from threeML.utils.time_interval import TimeIntervalSet
from threeML.utils.time_series.polynomial import (Polynomial, polyfit,

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] class ReducingNumberOfThreads(Warning): pass
[docs] class ReducingNumberOfSteps(Warning): pass
[docs] class OverLappingIntervals(RuntimeError): pass
# find out how many splits we need to make
[docs] def ceildiv(a, b): return -(-a // b)
@dataclass(frozen=True) class _OutputContainer: """ A dummy contaier to extract information from the light curve """ instrument: str telescope: str tstart: Iterable[float] telapse: Iterable[float] channel: Iterable[int] counts: Iterable[int] rates: Iterable[float] edges: Iterable[float] quality: Quality backfile: str grouping: Iterable[int] exposure: Iterable[float] counts_error: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None rate_error: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None
[docs] class TimeSeries(object): def __init__( self, start_time: float, stop_time: float, n_channels: int, native_quality=None, first_channel: int = 1, ra: float = None, dec: float = None, mission: str = None, instrument: str = None, verbose: bool = True, edges=None, ): """ The EventList is a container for event data that is tagged in time and in PHA/energy. It handles event selection, temporal polynomial fitting, temporal binning, and exposure calculations (in subclasses). Once events are selected and/or polynomials are fit, the selections can be extracted via a PHAContainer which is can be read by an OGIPLike instance and translated into a PHA instance. :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param energies: list of event energies or pha channels :param native_quality: native pha quality flags :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param mission: :param instrument: :param verbose: :param ra: :param dec: """ self._verbose: bool = verbose self._n_channels: int = n_channels self._first_channel: int = first_channel self._native_quality = native_quality # we haven't made selections yet self._time_intervals = None self._bkg_intervals = None self._counts = None self._exposure = None self._poly_counts = None self._poly_count_err = None self._bkg_selected_counts = None self._bkg_exposure = None # ebounds for objects w/o a response self._edges = edges if native_quality is not None: assert len(native_quality) == n_channels, ( "the native quality has length %d but you specified there were %d channels" % (len(native_quality), n_channels) ) self._start_time = start_time self._stop_time = stop_time # name the instrument if there is not one if instrument is None: log.warning("No instrument name is given. Setting to UNKNOWN") self._instrument = "UNKNOWN" else: self._instrument = instrument if mission is None: log.warning("No mission name is given. Setting to UNKNOWN") self._mission = "UNKNOWN" else: self._mission = mission self._user_poly_order = -1 self._time_selection_exists = False self._poly_fit_exists = False self._fit_method_info = {"bin type": None, "fit method": None}
[docs] def set_active_time_intervals(self, *args): raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in subclass")
@property def poly_fit_exists(self) -> bool: return self._poly_fit_exists @property def n_channels(self) -> int: return self._n_channels @property def bkg_intervals(self): return self._bkg_intervals @property def polynomials(self): """ Returns polynomial is they exist""" if self._poly_fit_exists: return self._polynomials else: RuntimeError("A polynomial fit has not been made.")
[docs] def get_poly_info(self) -> dict: """ Return a pandas panel frame with the polynomial coeffcients and errors Returns: a DataFrame """ if self._poly_fit_exists: coeff = [] err = [] for poly in self._polynomials: coeff.append(poly.coefficients) err.append(poly.error) df_coeff = pd.DataFrame(coeff) df_err = pd.DataFrame(err) # print('Coefficients') # # display(df_coeff) # # print('Coefficient Error') # # display(df_err) pan = {"coefficients": df_coeff, "error": df_err} return pan else: log.error("A polynomial fit has not been made.") RuntimeError()
[docs] def get_total_poly_count(self, start: float, stop: float, mask=None) -> int: """ Get the total poly counts :param start: :param stop: :return: """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._polynomials, dtype=bool) total_counts = 0 for p in np.asarray(self._polynomials)[mask]: total_counts += p.integral(start, stop) return total_counts
[docs] def get_total_poly_error(self, start: float, stop: float, mask=None)-> float: """ Get the total poly error :param start: :param stop: :return: """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._polynomials, dtype=bool) total_counts = 0 for p in np.asarray(self._polynomials)[mask]: total_counts += p.integral_error(start, stop) ** 2 return np.sqrt(total_counts)
@property def bins(self): if self._temporal_binner is not None: return self._temporal_binner else: raise RuntimeError("This EventList has no binning specified") def __set_poly_order(self, value: int): """ Set poly order only in allowed range and redo fit """ assert type(value) is int, "Polynomial order must be integer" assert ( -1 <= value <= 4 ), "Polynomial order must be 0-4 or -1 to have it determined" self._user_poly_order = value log.debug(f"poly order set to {value}") if self._poly_fit_exists: f"Refitting background with new polynomial order " "({value}) and existing selections" ) if self._time_selection_exists: log.debug("recomputing time selection") self.set_polynomial_fit_interval( *self._bkg_intervals.to_string().split(","), unbinned=self._unbinned, ) else: RuntimeError("This is a bug. Should never get here") def ___set_poly_order(self, value): """ Indirect poly order setter """ self.__set_poly_order(value) def __get_poly_order(self): """ get the poly order """ return self._optimal_polynomial_grade def ___get_poly_order(self): """ Indirect poly order getter """ return self.__get_poly_order() poly_order = property( ___get_poly_order, ___set_poly_order, doc="Get or set the polynomial order" ) @property def time_intervals(self): """ the time intervals of the events :return: """ return self._time_intervals
[docs] def exposure_over_interval(self, tmin, tmax) -> float: """ calculate the exposure over a given interval """ raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def counts_over_interval(self, start, stop) -> int: """ return the number of counts in the selected interval :param start: start of interval :param stop: stop of interval :return: """ # this will be a boolean list and the sum will be the # number of events raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def count_per_channel_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ :param start: :param stop: :return: """ raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def set_background_interval(self, *time_intervals, **options): """Set the time interval for the background observation. Multiple intervals can be input as separate arguments Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_polynomial_fit_interval("-10.0-0.0","10.-15.") :param time_intervals: intervals to fit on :param options: """ fit_poly, options = get_value_kwargs("fit_poly", bool,, **options) self._select_background_time_interval(*time_intervals) if fit_poly: log.debug("Fit a polynominal to the background time intervals.") self.fit_polynomial(**options) log.debug("Fitting a polynominal to the background " "time intervals done.") else: if self._poly_fit_exists: # if we already did a poly fit and change the bkg interval # now, without refitting the poly, we have to delete all the # old fitting information!"Poly Fit exists and you want to change the " "bkg time selection now without refitting " "the poly. We will delete the old information " "from the last poly fit!") self._delete_polynominal_fit() log.debug("Did not fit a polynominal to the background " "time intervals.")
[docs] def fit_polynomial(self, **kwargs): """ Fit the polynominals to the selected time intervals :param kwargs: :returns: """ if self.bkg_intervals is None: log.error("You first have to select the background intervals with " "the set_background_interval method before you can " "fit the background polynomials.") raise RuntimeError() # Find out if we want to binned or unbinned. unbinned, kwargs = get_value_kwargs("unbinned", bool,, **kwargs) bayes, kwargs = get_value_kwargs("bayes", bool,, **kwargs) if unbinned:"At the moment this unbinned polynominal fitting " "is only correct if the dead time ratio is constant " "in the selected background time intervals!") if bayes: self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = "bayes" else: self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = "mle" # Fit the events with the given intervals if unbinned: self._unbinned = True # keep track! self._unbinned_fit_polynomials(bayes=bayes) else: self._unbinned = False self._fit_polynomials(bayes=bayes) # we have a fit now self._poly_fit_exists = True f"{self._fit_method_info['bin type']} " f"{self._optimal_polynomial_grade}-order " "polynomial fit with the " f"{self._fit_method_info['fit method']} method" ) # recalculate the selected counts if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_active_time_intervals( *self._time_intervals.to_string().split(",") )
def _select_background_time_interval(self, *time_intervals): # we create some time intervals bkg_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*time_intervals) # adjust the selections to the data new_intervals = [] self._bkg_selected_counts = [] self._bkg_exposure = 0. for time_interval in bkg_intervals: t1 = time_interval.start_time t2 = time_interval.stop_time if (self._stop_time <= t1) or (t2 <= self._start_time): log.warning( f"The time interval {t1}-{t2} is out side of the " "arrival times and will be dropped" ) else: if t1 < self._start_time: log.warning( f"The time interval {t1}-{t2} started before the " f"first arrival time ({self._start_time}), so we are" f"changing the intervals to {self._start_time}-{t2}" ) t1 = self._start_time # + 1 if t2 > self._stop_time: log.warning( f"The time interval {t1}-{t2} ended after the last " f"arrival time ({self._stop_time}), so we are " f"changing the intervals to {t1}-{self._stop_time}" ) t2 = self._stop_time # - 1. new_intervals.append(f"{t1}-{t2}") self._bkg_selected_counts.append( self.count_per_channel_over_interval(t1, t2) ) self._bkg_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval(t1, t2) # make new intervals after checks bkg_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*new_intervals) self._bkg_selected_counts = np.sum(self._bkg_selected_counts, axis=0) # set the poly intervals as an attribute self._bkg_intervals = bkg_intervals def _delete_polynominal_fit(self): """ Delte all the information from previous poly fits :returns: """ if not self._poly_fit_exists: log.error("You can not delete the polynominal fit information " "because no information is saved at the moment!") raise AssertionError() del self._unbinned del self._polynomials del self._optimal_polynomial_grade self._poly_fit_exists = False
[docs] def set_polynomial_fit_interval(self, *time_intervals, **kwargs) -> None: """Set the time interval to fit the background. Multiple intervals can be input as separate arguments Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_polynomial_fit_interval("-10.0-0.0","10.-15.") :param time_intervals: intervals to fit on :param unbinned: :param bayes: :param kwargs: """ log.warning("set_polynomial_fit_interval will be deprecated in the " "next release. Please use set_background_interval with " "the same input.") warnings.warn(DeprecationWarning()) # Find out if we want to binned or unbinned. if "unbinned" in kwargs: unbinned = kwargs.pop("unbinned") assert type( unbinned) == bool, "unbinned option must be True or False" else: # assuming unbinned # could use config file here # unbinned = threeML_config['ogip']['use-unbinned-poly-fitting'] unbinned = True # check if we are doing a bayesian # fit and record this info if "bayes" in kwargs: bayes = kwargs.pop("bayes") else: bayes = False if bayes: self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = "bayes" else: self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = "mle" if unbinned:"At the moment this unbinned polynominal fitting " "is only correct if the dead time ratio is constant " "in the selected background time intervals!") # we create some time intervals bkg_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*time_intervals) # adjust the selections to the data new_intervals = [] self._bkg_selected_counts = [] self._bkg_exposure = 0.0 for time_interval in bkg_intervals: t1 = time_interval.start_time t2 = time_interval.stop_time if (self._stop_time <= t1) or (t2 <= self._start_time): log.warning( "The time interval %f-%f is out side of the arrival times and will be dropped" % (t1, t2) ) else: if t1 < self._start_time: log.warning( "The time interval %f-%f started before the first arrival time (%f), so we are changing the intervals to %f-%f" % (t1, t2, self._start_time, self._start_time, t2) ) t1 = self._start_time # + 1 if t2 > self._stop_time: log.warning( "The time interval %f-%f ended after the last arrival time (%f), so we are changing the intervals to %f-%f" % (t1, t2, self._stop_time, t1, self._stop_time) ) t2 = self._stop_time # - 1. new_intervals.append("%f-%f" % (t1, t2)) self._bkg_selected_counts.append( self.count_per_channel_over_interval(t1, t2) ) self._bkg_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval(t1, t2) # make new intervals after checks bkg_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*new_intervals) self._bkg_selected_counts = np.sum(self._bkg_selected_counts, axis=0) # set the poly intervals as an attribute self._bkg_intervals = bkg_intervals # Fit the events with the given intervals if unbinned: self._unbinned = True # keep track! self._unbinned_fit_polynomials(bayes=bayes) else: self._unbinned = False self._fit_polynomials(bayes=bayes) # we have a fit now self._poly_fit_exists = True f"{self._fit_method_info['bin type']} " f"{self._optimal_polynomial_grade}-order " "polynomial fit with the " f"{self._fit_method_info['fit method']} method" ) # recalculate the selected counts if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_active_time_intervals( *self._time_intervals.to_string().split(","))
[docs] def get_information_dict( self, use_poly: bool = False, extract: bool = False ) -> _OutputContainer: """ Return a PHAContainer that can be read by different builders :param use_poly: (bool) choose to build from the polynomial fits """ if not self._time_selection_exists: log.error("No time selection exists! Cannot calculate rates") raise RuntimeError() if extract: log.debug("using extract method") is_poisson = True counts_err = None counts = self._bkg_selected_counts rates = self._bkg_selected_counts / self._bkg_exposure rate_err = None exposure = self._bkg_exposure elif use_poly: if not self._poly_fit_exists: log.error("You can not use the polynominal fit information " "because the polynominal fit did not run yet!") raise RuntimeError() log.debug("using poly method") is_poisson = False counts_err = self._poly_count_err counts = self._poly_counts rate_err = self._poly_count_err / self._exposure rates = self._poly_counts / self._exposure exposure = self._exposure # removing negative counts idx = counts < 0.0 counts[idx] = 0.0 counts_err[idx] = 0.0 rates[idx] = 0.0 rate_err[idx] = 0.0 else: is_poisson = True counts_err = None counts = self._counts rates = self._counts / self._exposure rate_err = None exposure = self._exposure if self._native_quality is None: quality = np.zeros_like(counts, dtype=int) else: quality = self._native_quality if not isinstance(quality, Quality): quality = Quality.from_ogip(quality) container_dict: _OutputContainer = _OutputContainer(instrument=self._instrument, telescope=self._mission, tstart=self._time_intervals.absolute_start_time, telapse=(self._time_intervals.absolute_stop_time - self._time_intervals.absolute_start_time), channel=np.arange(self._n_channels) + self._first_channel, counts=counts, counts_error=counts_err, rates=rates, rate_error=rate_err, edges=self._edges, backfile="NONE", grouping=np.ones(self._n_channels), exposure=exposure, quality=quality) # check to see if we already have a quality object # container_dict['response'] = self._response return container_dict
def __repr__(self): """ Examine the currently selected info as well other things. """ return self._output().to_string() def _output(self): info_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for i, interval in enumerate(self.time_intervals): info_dict["active selection (%d)" % (i + 1)] = interval.__repr__() info_dict["active deadtime"] = self._active_dead_time if self._poly_fit_exists: for i, interval in enumerate(self.bkg_intervals): info_dict["polynomial selection (%d)" % ( i + 1)] = interval.__repr__() info_dict["polynomial order"] = self._optimal_polynomial_grade info_dict["polynomial fit type"] =\ self._fit_method_info["bin type"] info_dict["polynomial fit method"] =\ self._fit_method_info["fit method"] return pd.Series(info_dict, index=list(info_dict.keys())) def _fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade(self, cnts, bins, exposure, bayes=False): """ Provides the ability to find the optimum polynomial grade for *binned* counts by fitting the total (all channels) to 0-4 order polynomials and then comparing them via a likelihood ratio test. :param cnts: counts per bin :param bins: the bins used :param exposure: exposure per bin :param bayes: :return: polynomial grade """ min_grade = 0 max_grade = 3 log_likelihoods = [] log.debug("attempting to find best poly with binned data") if threeML_config["parallel"]["use_parallel"]: def worker(grade): polynomial, log_like = polyfit( bins, cnts, grade, exposure, bayes=bayes) return log_like client = ParallelClient() log_likelihoods = client.execute_with_progress_bar( worker, list(range(min_grade, max_grade + 1)), name="Finding best polynomial Order" ) else: for grade in trange(min_grade, max_grade + 1, desc="Finding best polynomial Order" ): polynomial, log_like = polyfit( bins, cnts, grade, exposure, bayes=bayes) log_likelihoods.append(log_like) # Found the best one delta_loglike = np.array( [2 * (x[0] - x[1]) for x in zip(log_likelihoods[:-1], log_likelihoods[1:])] ) log.debug(f"log likes {log_likelihoods}") log.debug(f" delta loglikes {delta_loglike}") delta_threshold = 9.0 mask = delta_loglike >= delta_threshold if len(mask.nonzero()[0]) == 0: # best grade is zero! best_grade = 0 else: best_grade = mask.nonzero()[0][-1] + 1 return best_grade def _unbinned_fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade(self, events, exposure, bayes=False): """ Provides the ability to find the optimum polynomial grade for *unbinned* events by fitting the total (all channels) to 0-2 order polynomials and then comparing them via a likelihood ratio test. :param events: an event list :param exposure: the exposure per event :return: polynomial grade """ # Fit the sum of all the channels to determine the optimal polynomial # grade min_grade = 0 max_grade = 2 log_likelihoods = [] t_start = self._bkg_intervals.start_times t_stop = self._bkg_intervals.stop_times log.debug("attempting to find best fit poly with unbinned") if threeML_config["parallel"]["use_parallel"]: def worker(grade): polynomial, log_like = unbinned_polyfit( events, grade, t_start, t_stop, exposure, bayes=bayes ) return log_like client = ParallelClient() log_likelihoods = client.execute_with_progress_bar( worker, list(range(min_grade, max_grade + 1)), name="Finding best polynomial Order" ) else: for grade in trange(min_grade, max_grade + 1, desc="Finding best polynomial Order"): polynomial, log_like = unbinned_polyfit( events, grade, t_start, t_stop, exposure, bayes=bayes ) log_likelihoods.append(log_like) # Found the best one delta_loglike = np.array( [2 * (x[0] - x[1]) for x in zip(log_likelihoods[:-1], log_likelihoods[1:])] ) log.debug(f"log likes {log_likelihoods}") log.debug(f" delta loglikes {delta_loglike}") delta_threshold = 9.0 mask = delta_loglike >= delta_threshold if len(mask.nonzero()[0]) == 0: # best grade is zero! best_grade = 0 else: best_grade = mask.nonzero()[0][-1] + 1 return best_grade def _fit_polynomials(self, bayes=False): raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass") def _unbinned_fit_polynomials(self, bayes=False): raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass")
[docs] def save_background(self, filename, overwrite=False): """ save the background to an HD5F :param filename: :return: """ # make the file name proper filename = os.path.splitext(filename) filename = "%s.h5" % filename[0] filename_sanitized: Path = sanitize_filename(filename) # Check that it does not exists if filename_sanitized.exists(): if overwrite: try: filename_sanitized.unlink() except: log.error( f"The file {filename_sanitized} already exists " "and cannot be removed (maybe you do not have " "permissions to do so?). " ) raise IOError() else: log.error(f"The file {filename_sanitized} already exists!") raise IOError() with h5py.File(filename_sanitized, "w") as store: # extract the polynomial information and save it if self._poly_fit_exists: coeff = np.empty( (self._n_channels, self._optimal_polynomial_grade + 1)) err = np.empty( ( self._n_channels, self._optimal_polynomial_grade + 1, self._optimal_polynomial_grade + 1, ) ) for i, poly in enumerate(self._polynomials): coeff[i, :] = poly.coefficients err[i, ...] = poly.covariance_matrix # df_coeff = pd.Series(coeff) # df_err = pd.Series(err) else: log.error("the polynomials have not been fit yet") raise RuntimeError() store.create_dataset("coefficients", data=np.array(coeff)) store.create_dataset("covariance", data=np.array(err)) store.attrs["poly_order"] = self._optimal_polynomial_grade store.attrs["poly_selections"] = list( zip( self._bkg_intervals.start_times, self._bkg_intervals.stop_times, ) ) store.attrs["unbinned"] = self._unbinned store.attrs["fit_method"] = self._fit_method_info["fit method"]"Saved fitted background to {filename_sanitized}")
[docs] def restore_fit(self, filename): filename_sanitized: Path = sanitize_filename(filename) with h5py.File(filename_sanitized, "r") as store: coefficients = store["coefficients"][()] covariance = store["covariance"][()] self._polynomials = [] # create new polynomials for i in range(len(coefficients)): coeff = np.array(coefficients[i]) # make sure we get the right order # pandas stores the non-needed coeff # as nans. coeff = coeff[np.isfinite(coeff)] cov = covariance[i] self._polynomials.append( Polynomial.from_previous_fit(coeff, cov)) metadata = store.attrs self._optimal_polynomial_grade = metadata["poly_order"] poly_selections = np.array(metadata["poly_selections"]) self._bkg_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_starts_and_stops( poly_selections[:, 0], poly_selections[:, 1] ) self._unbinned = metadata["unbinned"] if self._unbinned: self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "unbinned" else: self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "binned" self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = metadata["fit_method"] # go thru and count the counts! log.debug("resest the poly form the file") self._poly_fit_exists = True # we must go thru and collect the polynomial exposure and counts # so that they be extracted if needed self._bkg_exposure = 0.0 self._bkg_selected_counts = [] for i, time_interval in enumerate(self._bkg_intervals): t1 = time_interval.start_time t2 = time_interval.stop_time self._bkg_selected_counts.append( self.count_per_channel_over_interval(t1, t2) ) self._bkg_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval(t1, t2) self._bkg_selected_counts = np.sum(self._bkg_selected_counts, axis=0) if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_active_time_intervals( *self._time_intervals.to_string().split(","))
[docs] def view_lightcurve(self, start=-10, stop=20.0, dt=1.0, use_binner=False, use_echans_start=0, use_echans_stop=-1): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented in subclass")