Source code for threeML.test.test_time_energy_fit

from builtins import map
import pytest
import numpy as np

from astromodels import *
from threeML.plugins.XYLike import XYLike
from threeML.data_list import DataList
from threeML.classicMLE.joint_likelihood import JointLikelihood

[docs] def test_energy_time_fit(): # Let's generate our dataset of 4 spectra with a normalization that follows # a powerlaw in time def generate_one(K): # Let's generate some data with y = Powerlaw(x) gen_function = Powerlaw() gen_function.K = K # Generate a dataset using the power law, and a # constant 30% error x = np.logspace(0, 2, 50) xyl_generator = XYLike.from_function( "sim_data", function=gen_function, x=x, yerr=0.3 * gen_function(x) ) y = xyl_generator.y y_err = xyl_generator.yerr # xyl = XYLike("data", x, y, y_err) # xyl.plot(x_scale='log', y_scale='log') return x, y, y_err time_tags = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0]) # This is the power law that defines the normalization as a function of time normalizations = 0.23 * time_tags ** (-1.2) datasets = list(map(generate_one, normalizations)) # Now set up the fit and fit it time = IndependentVariable("time", 1.0, u.s) plugins = [] for i, dataset in enumerate(datasets): x, y, y_err = dataset xyl = XYLike("data%i" % i, x, y, y_err) xyl.tag = (time, time_tags[i]) assert xyl.tag == (time, time_tags[i], None) plugins.append(xyl) data = DataList(*plugins) spectrum = Powerlaw() spectrum.K.bounds = (0.01, 1000.0) src = PointSource("test", 0.0, 0.0, spectrum) model = Model(src) model.add_independent_variable(time) time_po = Powerlaw() time_po.K.bounds = (0.01, 1000) time_po.K.value = 2.0 time_po.index = -1.5, time, time_po) jl = JointLikelihood(model, data) jl.set_minimizer("minuit") best_fit_parameters, likelihood_values = # Make sure we are within 10% of the expected result assert np.allclose( best_fit_parameters["value"].values, [0.25496115, -1.2282951, -2.01508341], rtol=0.1, )