Source code for threeML.test.test_model_from_catalog

from astromodels import *
from threeML import *

from threeML.catalogs.catalog_utils import _sanitize_fgl_name
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import pytest
import numpy as np

from import setup_logger
log = setup_logger(__name__)
import copy
import yaml

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import internet_connection_is_active

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not internet_connection_is_active(), reason="No active internet connection"

skip_if_fermipy_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not is_plugin_available("FermipyLike"), reason="No LAT environment installed"

evclass_irf = {
    8: "P8R3_TRANSIENT020E_V3",
    16: "P8R3_TRANSIENT020_V3",
    32: "P8R3_TRANSIENT010E_V3",
    64: "P8R3_TRANSIENT010_V3",
    128: "P8R3_SOURCE_V3",
    256: "P8R3_CLEAN_V3",
    512: "P8R3_ULTRACLEAN_V3",
    1024: "P8R3_ULTRACLEANVETO_V3",
    2048: "P8R3_SOURCEVETO_V3",
    65536: "P8R3_TRANSIENT015S_V3",

[docs] def do_the_test(cat_name): from fermipy.gtanalysis import GTAnalysis gta = GTAnalysis(f"2config_Crab_{cat_name}.yaml",logging={'verbosity' : 3}) gta.setup() gta.write_roi(f"roi_{cat_name}") gta = GTAnalysis.create(f"roi_{cat_name}.npy") lat_catalog = FermiPySourceCatalog(f"roi_{cat_name}.fits") ra, dec, table = lat_catalog.search_around_source("Crab", radius=30.0) model_fits = lat_catalog.get_model() lat_catalog = FermiPySourceCatalog(cat_name) table = lat_catalog.cone_search(ra, dec, radius=30.0) model_cat = lat_catalog.get_model(use_association_name=False) if cat_name == "4FGL-DR3": lat_catalog = FermiLATSourceCatalog() table = lat_catalog.cone_search(ra, dec, radius=30.0) model_vo = lat_catalog.get_model(use_association_name=False) for source in gta.get_sources(): source = gta.roi.get_source_by_name(source["name"]) name = gta.roi.get_source_by_name(source["name"]).name if "diff" in name: assert source.diffuse continue astro_name = _sanitize_fgl_name(name) if source.extended: assert type(model_fits[astro_name]) == ExtendedSource assert type(model_cat[astro_name]) == ExtendedSource if source["SpatialModel"] == "RadialDisk": assert model_fits[astro_name] == "Disk_on_sphere" assert model_cat[astro_name] == "Disk_on_sphere" if source["SpatialModel"] == "RadialGaussian": assert model_fits[astro_name] == "Gaussian_on_sphere" assert model_cat[astro_name] == "Gaussian_on_sphere" if source["SpatialModel"] == "SpatialMap": assert model_fits[astro_name] == "SpatialTemplate_2D" assert model_cat[astro_name] == "SpatialTemplate_2D" else: assert type(model_fits[astro_name]) == PointSource assert type(model_cat[astro_name]) == PointSource assert source["SpatialModel"] == "PointSource" e, f_fermipy = gta.get_source_dnde(name) e = 10**e fa_fits = (model_fits[astro_name].spectrum.main.shape(e*u.MeV)).to(**-2 / u.s / u.MeV).value fa_cat = (model_cat[astro_name].spectrum.main.shape(e*u.MeV)).to(**-2 / u.s / u.MeV).value if cat_name == "4FGL-DR3": fa_vo = (model_vo[astro_name](e*u.MeV)).to(**-2 / u.s / u.MeV).value if astro_name in model_vo.sources else np.nan assert np.allclose( f_fermipy, fa_fits) and np.allclose(f_fermipy, fa_cat) assert cat_name != "4FGL-DR3" or np.allclose(f_fermipy, fa_vo) if type( model_cat[astro_name] ) == PointSource: pos_fits = model_fits[astro_name].position.sky_coord pos_cat = model_cat[astro_name].position.sky_coord pos_fermipy = SkyCoord( source["ra"], source["dec"], frame="icrs", unit="deg") assert( pos_fits.separation(pos_cat).value < 1e-3) assert( pos_fits.separation(pos_fermipy).value < 1e-3) continue plt.loglog( e, e**2 * f_fermipy, "b-", label = "fermipy", alpha=0.7) plt.loglog( e, e**2 * fa_fits, "r--", label = "from ROI fits", alpha=0.7) plt.loglog( e, e**2 * fa_cat, "g:", label = "from catalog", alpha=0.7) if cat_name == "4FGL-DR3": plt.loglog( e, e**2 * fa_vo, "y-.", label = "from VO", alpha=0.7) plt.title(name) plt.legend( title=model_fits[astro_name] ) plt.xlabel("Energy (MeV)") plt.ylabel("$E^2$ dN/dE (MeV/cm$^2$/s)") plt.grid() plt.savefig(f"{astro_name}.png")
[docs] @skip_if_internet_is_not_available @skip_if_fermipy_is_not_available @pytest.mark.xfail def test_read_model_from_catalogs(): #Find crab and download data from Jan 01 2010 to Jan 2 2010 (needed for fermipy instance) lat_catalog = FermiLATSourceCatalog() ra, dec, table = lat_catalog.search_around_source("Crab", radius=20.0) tstart = "2010-01-01 00:00:00" tstop = "2010-01-08 00:00:00" # Note that this will understand if you already download these files, and will # not do it twice unless you change your selection or the outdir try: evfile, scfile = download_LAT_data( ra, dec, 20.0, tstart, tstop, time_type="Gregorian", destination_directory="Crab_data", ) except RuntimeError: log.warning("Problems with LAT data download, will not proceed with tests.") return # Configuration for Fermipy config = FermipyLike.get_basic_config(evfile=evfile, scfile=scfile, ra=ra, dec=dec) config["binning"]["binsz"] = 0.5 config["binning"]["roiwidth"] = 30 irfs = evclass_irf[int(config["selection"]["evclass"])] config["gtlike"] = {"irfs":irfs, "edisp":False} for cat_name in ["4FGL", "4FGL-DR2", "4FGL-DR3"]: the_config = copy.deepcopy(config) model_dict = { "src_roiwidth" : 30.0, "galdiff" : "$CONDA_PREFIX/share/fermitools/refdata/fermi/galdiffuse/gll_iem_v07.fits", "isodiff" : "iso_P8R3_SOURCE_V3_v1.txt", "catalogs": [cat_name], } the_config["model"] = model_dict stream = open(f"2config_Crab_{cat_name}.yaml", 'w') yaml.dump(dict(the_config), stream, default_flow_style=False) do_the_test(cat_name)