Source code for threeML.test.test_configuration

from pathlib import Path

import pytest
import yaml
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from omegaconf.errors import ReadonlyConfigError

from threeML.config import show_configuration, get_current_configuration_copy
from import get_path_of_user_config
from threeML.config.config_structure import Config
from pathlib import Path

[docs] def test_default_configuration(): # We just need to instance the Config class, as it contains in itself the check for a valid # default configuration file (it will raise an exception if the file is not valid) c = Config() show_configuration() show_configuration("LAT") with pytest.raises(AssertionError): show_configuration("doesnotexist") _file_name = "_tmp_config.yml" path = get_path_of_user_config() / _file_name get_current_configuration_copy(_file_name, overwrite=False) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): get_current_configuration_copy(_file_name, overwrite=False) get_current_configuration_copy(_file_name, overwrite=True) path.unlink()
[docs] def test_user_configuration(): dummy_config = OmegaConf.structured(Config) configs = [{"logging": {"usr": "off"}}, { "parallel": {"profile_name": "test"}}] for i, c in enumerate(configs): path = Path(f"conf_{i}.yml") with"w") as f: yaml.dump(stream=f, data=c, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) cc = OmegaConf.load(path) dummy_config = OmegaConf.merge(dummy_config, cc) path.unlink()
[docs] def test_frozen_config(): # make sure we cannot overwrite HARD CODED things dummy_config = OmegaConf.structured(Config) with pytest.raises(ReadonlyConfigError): dummy_config.LAT.public_ftp_location = 4