Source code for threeML.test.test_FermiLATLike

import shutil
import os
import pytest

from threeML import *
from import internet_connection_is_active
from threeML.utils.data_download.Fermi_LAT.download_LAT_data import LAT_dataset
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

skip_if_internet_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(
    not internet_connection_is_active(), reason="No active internet connection"


    import GtApp

except ImportError:

    has_Fermi = False


    has_Fermi = True

# This defines a decorator which can be applied to single tests to
# skip them if the condition is not met
skip_if_LAT_is_not_available = pytest.mark.skipif(not has_Fermi,
                                                  reason="Fermi Science Tools not installed",

trigger_time   = 243216766
ra             = 119.84717
dec            = -56.638333
radius         = 10.0
zmax           = 110.
thetamax       = 180.0
irf            = 'p8_transient020e'
datarepository = 'FermiData'

[docs] @skip_if_internet_is_not_available @skip_if_LAT_is_not_available def test_make_LAT_dataset(): myLATdataset = LAT_dataset() myLATdataset.make_LAT_dataset( ra, dec, radius = radius+10, trigger_time=trigger_time, tstart=-10, tstop =100, data_type="Extended", destination_directory=datarepository, Emin=30., Emax= 1000000.) myLATdataset.extract_events(radius, zmax, irf, thetamax, strategy='time') analysis_builder = TransientLATDataBuilder(myLATdataset.grb_name, outfile=myLATdataset.grb_name, roi=radius, tstarts='0,10', tstops = '10,100', irf=irf, galactic_model='template', particle_model='isotr template', datarepository=datarepository) analysis_builder.display() = True) LAT_Like_plugins = analysis_builder.to_LATLike() spectrum = Powerlaw() spectrum.piv = 1e5 # 100 MeV results=[] for myplug in LAT_Like_plugins: data = DataList(myplug) test_source = PointSource("test_source", ra, dec, spectrum) my_model = Model(test_source) jl=JointLikelihood(my_model, data) flux = jl.results.get_flux(100.0 * u.MeV, 10.0 * u.GeV) print(flux) results.append(jl.results) # energies = np.logspace(1, 4, 100) * u.MeV # differential_flux = my_model.test_source(energies) # plt.loglog(energies, differential_flux) plot_spectra(*results, flux_unit='erg2/(cm2 s keV)', energy_unit='MeV', ene_min=10, ene_max=10e+4)
#plt.xlabel("Energy (MeV)") #plt.ylabel("Differential flux (ph./cm2/s/MeV)") #plt.ylim(1e-12, 1e-3) #myplug.display() if __name__=='__main__': test_make_LAT_dataset()