Source code for threeML.catalogs.catalog_utils

from __future__ import division

import re
from builtins import map, str

import numpy
from astromodels import *
from astromodels.utils.angular_distance import angular_distance
from astropy.stats import circmean
from astropy import units as u

from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from import DictWithPrettyPrint
from import setup_logger
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import os.path, os

log = setup_logger(__name__)

_trigger_name_match = re.compile("^GRB\d{9}$")

def _gbm_and_lle_valid_source_check(source):
    checks if source name is valid for both GBM and LLE data

    :param source: source name
    :return: bool

    warn_string = (
        "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form GRB080916009" % source

    match = _trigger_name_match.match(source)

    if match is None:


        answer = False


        answer = True

    return answer


def _sanitize_fgl_name(fgl_name):
    swap = (
        fgl_name.replace(" ", "_").replace("+", "p").replace("-", "m").replace(".", "d")

    if swap[0] in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]:
        swap = "x%s" % swap

    return swap

def _get_point_source_from_fgl(fgl_name, catalog_entry, fix=False):
    Translate a spectrum from the nFGL into an astromodels point source
    name = _sanitize_fgl_name(fgl_name)

    spectrum_type = catalog_entry["spectrum_type"]
    ra = float(catalog_entry["ra"])
    dec = float(catalog_entry["dec"])

    log.debug(f"source parameters for {fgl_name}")

    if spectrum_type == "PowerLaw":

        this_spectrum = Powerlaw()

        this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)
        this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV

        if "pl_index" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["pl_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["pl_flux_density"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["dnde_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["dnde"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,

    elif spectrum_type == "LogParabola":

        this_spectrum = Log_parabola()

        this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)
        if "pivot_energy_catalog" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy_catalog"]) * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV

        if "lp_index" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.alpha = float(catalog_entry["lp_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.beta = float(catalog_entry["lp_beta"])
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["lp_flux_density"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
                this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0, 
                this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
            K = float(catalog_entry["flux_density"])
            this_spectrum.K.bounds = (K / 1000.0, K * 1000)
            this_spectrum.alpha = float(catalog_entry["spectral_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.beta = float(catalog_entry["beta"])
            this_spectrum.K = K / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV)
        this_spectrum.alpha.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.beta.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,

    elif spectrum_type == "PLExpCutoff":

        this_spectrum = Cutoff_powerlaw()

        this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV

        if "plec_index" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["dnde_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["dnde"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.xc = float(catalog_entry["cutoff"]) * u.MeV

        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
    elif (spectrum_type in ["PLSuperExpCutoff", "PLSuperExpCutoff2"] ) and ("plec_exp_factor_s" not in catalog_entry.keys()):
        # This is the new definition, from the 4FGL catalog.
        # Note that in version 19 of the 4FGL, cutoff spectra are designated as PLSuperExpCutoff
        # rather than PLSuperExpCutoff2 as in version , but the same parametrization is used.
        this_spectrum = Super_cutoff_powerlaw()
        this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        if "plec_exp_factor" in catalog_entry:
            # OLD parameterization 4FGL which is in fermipy:
            a = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_factor"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"])
            b = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"])
            K = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"])
            i = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"])
            a = float(catalog_entry["expfactor"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"])
            b = float(catalog_entry["exp_index"])
            K = float(catalog_entry["dnde"])
            i = float(catalog_entry["spectral_index"])

        conv = numpy.exp(a * E0 ** b)
        this_spectrum.index = -i
        this_spectrum.gamma = b
        this_spectrum.piv = E0 * u.MeV

        this_spectrum.K = ( conv * K / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV))

        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
        this_spectrum.xc = a ** (-1.0 / b ) * u.MeV

        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.gamma.fix = fix

    elif (spectrum_type == "PLSuperExpCutoff4") or ((spectrum_type == "PLSuperExpCutoff") and ("plec_index_s" in catalog_entry.keys() ) ):
        # new parameterization 4FGL-DR3. Still listed as PLSuperExpCutoff in VO.

        this_spectrum = Super_cutoff_powerlaw()
        this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)
        if "plec_index_s" in catalog_entry.keys():
            d  = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_factor_s"])
            b  = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"])
            Gs = float(catalog_entry["plec_index_s"])
            K  = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV
            conv = numpy.exp(d/b ** 2)

        elif "plec_expfactors" in catalog_entry.keys():
            d  = float(catalog_entry["plec_expfactors"])
            b  = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"])
            Gs = float(catalog_entry["plec_indexs"])
            K  = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV
            conv = numpy.exp(d/b ** 2)

        elif "expfactor" in catalog_entry.keys():
            d  = float(catalog_entry["expfactor"])
            b  = float(catalog_entry["exp_index"])
            Gs = float(catalog_entry["spectral_index"])
            K  = float(catalog_entry["dnde"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy_catalog"]) * u.MeV
            wrong_E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV
            conv = 1
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Spectrum type %s is not a valid 4FGL type" % spectrum_type

        this_spectrum.index =  d/b - Gs
        #this_spectrum.gamma = d/b
        this_spectrum.gamma = b
        this_spectrum.piv = E0
        this_spectrum.xc =  E0*(b**2/d)**(1/b)

        if "expfactor" in catalog_entry.keys():
            conv = 1.0 / this_spectrum(wrong_E0)

        this_spectrum.K = ( conv * K / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV) )

        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
        this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.gamma.fix = fix


        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Spectrum type %s is not a valid 4FGL type" % spectrum_type

    return this_source

def _get_extended_source_from_fgl(fgl_name, catalog_entry, fix=False):
    Translate a spectrum from the nFGL into an astromodels extended source

    name = _sanitize_fgl_name(fgl_name)

    spectrum_type = catalog_entry["spectrum_type"]
    ra = float(catalog_entry["ra"])
    dec = float(catalog_entry["dec"])

    theShape = catalog_entry["spatial_function"]
    if theShape == "":
        theShape = catalog_entry["spatialmodel"]

    if theShape == "RadialDisk":
        this_shape = Disk_on_sphere()
    elif theShape == "RadialGaussian":
        this_shape = Gaussian_on_sphere()
    elif theShape == "SpatialMap":
        the_file = catalog_entry["spatial_filename"]
        if isinstance(the_file, bytes):
            the_file = the_file.decode("ascii")

        if "FERMIPY_DATA_DIR" not in os.environ:
            os.environ["FERMIPY_DATA_DIR"] = resource_dir("fermipy", "data")

        the_file = os.path.expandvars(the_file)

        if os.path.exists( the_file ):
            the_template = the_file

            the_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expandvars(catalog_entry["extdir"]), "Templates")
            the_template = os.path.join(the_dir, the_file)

        this_shape = SpatialTemplate_2D(fits_file=the_template)

        log.error(f"Spatial_Function {theShape} not implemented yet"  )
        raise NotImplementedError()

    if spectrum_type == "PowerLaw":

        this_spectrum = Powerlaw()

        this_source = ExtendedSource(name, spatial_shape = this_shape, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["pl_index"]) * -1
        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["pl_flux_density"]) / (
   ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
        this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV

    elif spectrum_type == "LogParabola":

        this_spectrum = Log_parabola()

        this_source = ExtendedSource(name, spatial_shape = this_shape, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        if "pivot_energy_catalog" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy_catalog"]) * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV

        if "lp_index" in catalog_entry:
            this_spectrum.alpha = float(catalog_entry["lp_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.beta = float(catalog_entry["lp_beta"])
            this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["lp_flux_density"]) / (
       ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
            K = float(catalog_entry["flux_density"])
            this_spectrum.K.bounds = (K / 1000.0, K * 1000)
            this_spectrum.alpha = float(catalog_entry["spectral_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.beta = float(catalog_entry["beta"])
            this_spectrum.K = K / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV)
        this_spectrum.alpha.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.beta.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,

    elif spectrum_type == "PLExpCutoff":

        this_spectrum = Cutoff_powerlaw()

        this_source = ExtendedSource(name, spatial_shape = this_shape, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"]) * -1
        this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / (
   ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
        this_spectrum.xc = float(catalog_entry["cutoff"]) * u.MeV
        this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix

    elif spectrum_type in ["PLSuperExpCutoff", "PLSuperExpCutoff2"]:
        # This is the new definition, from the 4FGL catalog.
        # Note that in version 19 of the 4FGL, cutoff spectra are designated as PLSuperExpCutoff
        # rather than PLSuperExpCutoff2 as in version , but the same parametrization is used.
        this_spectrum = Super_cutoff_powerlaw()

        this_source = ExtendedSource(name, spatial_shape = this_shape, spectral_shape=this_spectrum)

        # new parameterization 4FGLDR3:
        if ('plec_index_s' in catalog_entry.keys()):
            d  = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_factor_s"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV
            b  = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"])
            Gs = float(catalog_entry["plec_index_s"])

            conv = numpy.exp(d/b ** 2)
            this_spectrum.index =  d/b - Gs
            this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
            this_spectrum.gamma = d/b
            this_spectrum.gamma.fix = fix
            this_spectrum.piv = E0
            this_spectrum.K = (
                conv * float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV)
            this_spectrum.xc =  E0
            # OLD parameterization 4FGL which is in fermipy:
            a = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_factor"])
            E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"])
            b = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"])

            conv = numpy.exp(a * E0 ** b)
            this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"]) * -1
            this_spectrum.index.fix = fix
            this_spectrum.gamma = b
            this_spectrum.gamma.fix = fix
            this_spectrum.piv = E0 * u.MeV
            this_spectrum.K = (
                    conv * float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV)
            this_spectrum.xc = a ** (-1.0 / b ) * u.MeV

        this_spectrum.K.fix = fix
        this_spectrum.K.bounds = (
            this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0,
            this_spectrum.K.value * 1000,
        this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix

        log.error(  "Spectrum type %s is not a valid 4FGL type" % spectrum_type )
        raise NotImplementedError()

        theRadius = catalog_entry["model_semimajor"]
        theRadius = catalog_entry["spatialwidth"]

    if theShape == "RadialDisk":
        this_shape.lon0 = ra *
        this_shape.lon0.fix = True
        this_shape.lat0 = dec *
        this_shape.lat0.fix = True
        this_shape.radius = theRadius *
        this_shape.radius.fix = True
        this_shape.radius.bounds = (0, theRadius) *
    elif theShape == "RadialGaussian":
        #factor 1/1.36 is the conversion from 68% containment radius to sigma
        #Max of sigma/radius is used for get_boundaries().
        this_shape.lon0 = ra *
        this_shape.lon0.fix = True
        this_shape.lat0 = dec *
        this_shape.lat0.fix = True
        this_shape.sigma = theRadius / 1.36 *
        this_shape.sigma.fix = True
        this_shape.sigma.bounds = (0, theRadius / 1.36) *

    return this_source

[docs] class ModelFromFGL(Model): def __init__(self, ra_center, dec_center, *sources): self._ra_center = float(ra_center) self._dec_center = float(dec_center) super(ModelFromFGL, self).__init__(*sources)
[docs] def free_point_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix_ps(True, radius, normalization_only)
[docs] def fix_point_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix_ps(False, radius, normalization_only)
def _free_or_fix_ps(self, free, radius, normalization_only): for src_name in self.point_sources: src = self.point_sources[src_name] this_d = angular_distance( self._ra_center, self._dec_center, src.position.ra.value, src.position.dec.value, ) if this_d <= radius: if normalization_only: = free else: for par in src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters: if par == "piv": #don't free pivot energy continue src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters[par].free = free
[docs] def free_extended_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix_ext(True, radius, normalization_only)
[docs] def fix_extended_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix_ext(False, radius, normalization_only)
def _free_or_fix_ext(self, free, radius, normalization_only): for src_name in self.extended_sources: src = self.extended_sources[src_name] try: ra, dec = src.spatial_shape.lon0.value, src.spatial_shape.lat0.value except: (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max) = src.spatial_shape.get_boundaries() ra = circmean( [ra_min, ra_max]*u.deg ).value dec = circmean( [dec_min, dec_max]*u.deg ).value this_d = angular_distance( self._ra_center, self._dec_center, ra, dec, ) if this_d <= radius: if normalization_only: = free else: for par in src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters: if par == "piv": #don't free pivot energy continue src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters[par].free = free