Source code for threeML.catalogs.FermiLAT

from __future__ import division

import re
from builtins import map, str

import numpy
from astropy.table import Table

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

import astropy.units as u

from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import get_heasarc_table_as_pandas
from import setup_logger

from .VirtualObservatoryCatalog import VirtualObservatoryCatalog
from .catalog_utils import _get_point_source_from_fgl, _get_extended_source_from_fgl, ModelFromFGL
    from fermipy.catalog import Catalog
    have_fermipy = True
    have_fermipy = False

log = setup_logger(__name__)

fgl_types = {
            "agn": "other non-blazar active galaxy",
            "bcu": "active galaxy of uncertain type",
            "bin": "binary",
            "bll": "BL Lac type of blazar",
            "css": "compact steep spectrum quasar",
            "fsrq": "FSRQ type of blazar",
            "gal": "normal galaxy (or part)",
            "glc": "globular cluster",
            "hmb": "high-mass binary",
            "nlsy1": "narrow line Seyfert 1",
            "nov": "nova",
            "PSR": "pulsar, identified by pulsations",
            "psr": "pulsar, no pulsations seen in LAT yet",
            "pwn": "pulsar wind nebula",
            "rdg": "radio galaxy",
            "sbg": "starburst galaxy",
            "sey": "Seyfert galaxy",
            "sfr": "star-forming region",
            "snr": "supernova remnant",
            "spp": "special case - potential association with SNR or PWN",
            "ssrq": "soft spectrum radio quasar",
            "unk": "unknown",
            "": "unknown",

_FGL_name_match = re.compile("^[34]FGL J\d{4}.\d(\+|-)\d{4}\D?$")

[docs] class FermiLATSourceCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): self._update = update super(FermiLATSourceCatalog, self).__init__( "fermilpsc", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Fermi"]["catalogs"]["LAT FGL"].url, "Fermi-LAT/LAT source catalog", ) def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "fermilpsc", update=self._update, cache_time_days=10.0 ) def _source_is_valid(self, source): """ checks if source name is valid for the 4FGL catalog :param source: source name :return: bool """ warn_string = ( "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form 'nFGL J0000.0+0000'" % source ) match = _FGL_name_match.match(source) if match is None: log.warning(warn_string) answer = False else: answer = True return answer
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): # Translate the 3 letter code to a more informative category, according # to the dictionary above def translate(key): if isinstance(key, bytes): key = key.decode("ascii") if key.lower() == "psr": return fgl_types[key] if key.lower() in list(fgl_types.keys()): return fgl_types[key.lower()] return key table["short_source_type"] = table["source_type"] table["source_type"] = numpy.array(list(map(translate, table["short_source_type"]))) if "Search_Offset" in table.columns: new_table = table[ "name", "source_type", "short_source_type", "ra", "dec", "assoc_name", "tevcat_assoc", "Search_Offset", ] return new_table.group_by("Search_Offset") # we may have not done a cone search! else: new_table = table[ "name", "source_type", "short_source_type", "ra", "dec", "assoc_name", "tevcat_assoc" ] return new_table.group_by("name")
[docs] def get_model(self, use_association_name=True, exposure=None, npred_min=0): ''' Build the model with FGL sources :param use_association_name: use the name of the associated source (stored in assoc_name column) :param exposure: exposure in cm2 * seconds (can be calculated with gtexposure) :param npred_min: minimum number of predicted events. :return: model ''' assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting a model" # Loop over the table and build a source for each entry sources = [] source_names = [] for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): if exposure is not None: npred = row['flux_1_100_gev'] * exposure log.debug('Source %s npred= %.1e' % (name, npred) ) if npred < npred_min: continue # If there is an association and use_association is True, use that name, otherwise the 3FGL name if row["assoc_name"] != "" and use_association_name: this_name = row["assoc_name"] # The crab is the only source which is present more than once in the 3FGL if this_name == "Crab Nebula": if name[-1] == "i": this_name = "Crab_IC" elif name[-1] == "s": this_name = "Crab_synch" else: this_name = "Crab_pulsar" else: this_name = name # in the 4FGL name there are more sources with the same name: this nwill avod any duplicates: i = 1 while this_name in source_names: this_name += str(i) i += 1 pass # By default all sources are fixed. The user will free the one he/she will need source_names.append(this_name) if ( "extended_source_name" in row and row["extended_source_name"] != "" ) or \ ("sourcetype" in row and row["sourcetype"] == "DiffuseSource" ): if "spatial_function" in row: this_source = _get_extended_source_from_fgl(this_name, row, fix=True) else: log.warning( "Source %s is extended, but morphology information is unavailable. " "I will provide a point source instead" % name ) this_source = _get_point_source_from_fgl(this_name, row, fix=True) else: this_source = _get_point_source_from_fgl(this_name, row, fix=True) sources.append(this_source) return ModelFromFGL(self.ra_center, self.dec_center, *sources)
[docs] class FermiPySourceCatalog(FermiLATSourceCatalog): def __init__(self, catalog_name = "4FGL", update=True): self._update = update self._catalog_name = catalog_name super(FermiPySourceCatalog, self).__init__(update) def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): if not have_fermipy: log.error("Must have fermipy installed to use FermiPySourceCatalog") self._vo_dataframe = None else: try: self._fermipy_catalog = Catalog.create(self._catalog_name) except: log.error(f"Catalog {self._catalog_name} not available in fermipy") self._astropy_table = self._fermipy_catalog.table #Stupid but necessary: Remove catalog values if we're reading in a pre-fit ROI. catalog_columns = ["GLAT", "GLON", "RAJ2000", "DEJ2000"] prefit_columns = ["glat", "glon", "ra", "dec"] for col1, col2 in zip( catalog_columns, prefit_columns): if col1 in list(self._astropy_table.columns) and col2 in list(self._astropy_table.columns): self._astropy_table.remove_column(col1) #remove multi-dimensional columns good_columns = [name for name in self._astropy_table.colnames if len(self._astropy_table[name].shape) <= 1] self._astropy_table = self._astropy_table[good_columns] #remove duplicate columns if "Extended" in list(self._astropy_table.columns) and "extended" in list(self._astropy_table.columns): self._astropy_table.remove_column("Extended") self._astropy_table.convert_bytestring_to_unicode() ##### This prevents an issue with multi dimension columns: #names = [name for name in self._astropy_table.colnames if len(self._astropy_table[name].shape) <= 1]"COL NAMES = ", names) #self._vo_dataframe = self._astropy_table[names].to_pandas() ### Comment the following self._vo_dataframe = self._astropy_table.to_pandas() if ("Pivot_Energy" in self._astropy_table.columns) and ("pivot_energy" in self._astropy_table.columns): self._vo_dataframe.rename(columns = {"Pivot_Energy":"pivot_energy_catalog"}, inplace=True) self._vo_dataframe.rename(columns = str.lower, inplace=True) rename_dict = { "spectrumtype": "spectrum_type", "raj2000": "ra", "dej2000": "dec", "name": "name_fermipy", "source_name": "name", "plec_expfactor": "plec_exp_factor", } self._vo_dataframe.rename(columns = rename_dict, inplace=True) if "class1" in self._vo_dataframe.columns: self._vo_dataframe["source_type"] = self._vo_dataframe["class1"] + self._vo_dataframe["class2"] else: self._vo_dataframe["source_type"] = self._vo_dataframe["class"] if "assoc1" in self._vo_dataframe: self._vo_dataframe["assoc_name"] = numpy.where( ( self._vo_dataframe["assoc1"] != "" ), self._vo_dataframe["assoc1"], self._vo_dataframe["assoc2"] ) else: self._vo_dataframe["assoc_name"] = "" if "assoc_gam1" in self._vo_dataframe: self._vo_dataframe["tevcat_assoc"] = numpy.where( ( self._vo_dataframe["assoc_gam1"] != "" ), self._vo_dataframe["assoc_gam1"], self._vo_dataframe["assoc_gam2"] ) self._vo_dataframe["tevcat_assoc"] = numpy.where( ( self._vo_dataframe["tevcat_assoc"] != "" ), self._vo_dataframe["tevcat_assoc"], self._vo_dataframe["assoc_gam3"] ) else: self._vo_dataframe["tevcat_assoc"] = "" #overwrite cone_search function to use existing table.