Source code for threeML.bayesian.dynesty_sampler

import math
import os
import time

import numpy as np
from astromodels import ModelAssertionViolation, use_astromodels_memoization

from threeML.bayesian.sampler_base import UnitCubeSampler
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import setup_logger
from threeML.parallel.parallel_client import ParallelClient


    from dynesty import DynamicNestedSampler, NestedSampler


    has_dynesty = False


    has_dynesty = True

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs] class DynestyPool(object): """A simple wrapper for `dview`.""" def __init__(self, dview): self.dview = dview self.size = len(dview)
[docs] def map(self, function, tasks): return self.dview.map_sync(function, tasks)
[docs] class DynestyNestedSampler(UnitCubeSampler): def __init__(self, likelihood_model=None, data_list=None, **kwargs): assert has_dynesty, "You must install Dynesty to use this sampler" super(DynestyNestedSampler, self).__init__( likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs )
[docs] def setup( self, n_live_points=400, maxiter=None, maxcall=None, dlogz=None, logl_max=np.inf, n_effective=None, add_live=True, print_func=None, save_bounds=True, bound="multi", sample="auto", periodic=None, reflective=None, update_interval=None, first_update=None, npdim=None, rstate=None, use_pool=None, live_points=None, logl_args=None, logl_kwargs=None, ptform_args=None, ptform_kwargs=None, gradient=None, grad_args=None, grad_kwargs=None, compute_jac=False, enlarge=None, bootstrap=0, walks=25, facc=0.5, slices=5, fmove=0.9, max_move=100, update_func=None, **kwargs ): """TODO describe function :param n_live_points: :type n_live_points: :param maxiter: :type maxiter: :param maxcall: :type maxcall: :param dlogz: :type dlogz: :param logl_max: :type logl_max: :param n_effective: :type n_effective: :param add_live: :type add_live: :param print_func: :type print_func: :param save_bounds: :type save_bounds: :param bound: :type bound: :param sample: :type sample: :param periodic: :type periodic: :param reflective: :type reflective: :param update_interval: :type update_interval: :param first_update: :type first_update: :param npdim: :type npdim: :param rstate: :type rstate: :param use_pool: :type use_pool: :param live_points: :type live_points: :param logl_args: :type logl_args: :param logl_kwargs: :type logl_kwargs: :param ptform_args: :type ptform_args: :param ptform_kwargs: :type ptform_kwargs: :param gradient: :type gradient: :param grad_args: :type grad_args: :param grad_kwargs: :type grad_kwargs: :param compute_jac: :type compute_jac: :param enlarge: :type enlarge: :param bootstrap: :type bootstrap: :param vol_dec: :type vol_dec: :param vol_check: :type vol_check: :param walks: :type walks: :param facc: :type facc: :param slices: :type slices: :param fmove: :type fmove: :param max_move: :type max_move: :param update_func: :type update_func: :returns: """ log.debug("Setup dynesty sampler") self._sampler_kwargs = {} self._sampler_kwargs["maxiter"] = maxiter self._sampler_kwargs["maxcall"] = maxcall self._sampler_kwargs["dlogz"] = dlogz self._sampler_kwargs["logl_max"] = logl_max self._sampler_kwargs["n_effective"] = n_effective self._sampler_kwargs["add_live"] = add_live self._sampler_kwargs["print_func"] = print_func self._sampler_kwargs["save_bounds"] = save_bounds self._kwargs = {} self._kwargs["nlive"] = n_live_points self._kwargs["bound"] = bound self._kwargs["sample"] = sample self._kwargs["periodic"] = periodic self._kwargs["reflective"] = reflective self._kwargs["update_interval"] = update_interval self._kwargs["first_update"] = first_update self._kwargs["npdim"] = npdim self._kwargs["rstate"] = rstate self._kwargs["pool"] = None # TODO: have to figure out why # this is not working properly if use_pool is None: use_pool = dict( prior_transform=False, loglikelihood=False, propose_point=False, update_bound=True, ) self._kwargs["use_pool"] = use_pool self._kwargs["live_points"] = live_points self._kwargs["logl_args"] = logl_args self._kwargs["logl_kwargs"] = logl_kwargs self._kwargs["ptform_args"] = ptform_args self._kwargs["ptform_kwargs"] = ptform_kwargs self._kwargs["gradient"] = gradient self._kwargs["grad_args"] = grad_args self._kwargs["grad_kwargs"] = grad_kwargs self._kwargs["compute_jac"] = compute_jac self._kwargs["enlarge"] = enlarge self._kwargs["bootstrap"] = bootstrap self._kwargs["walks"] = walks self._kwargs["facc"] = facc self._kwargs["slices"] = slices self._kwargs["fmove"] = fmove self._kwargs["max_move"] = max_move self._kwargs["update_func"] = update_func for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._kwargs[k] = v self._is_setup = True
[docs] def sample(self, quiet=False): """ sample using the UltraNest numerical integration method :rtype: :returns: """ if not self._is_setup:"You forgot to setup the sampler!") return loud = not quiet self._update_free_parameters() param_names = list(self._free_parameters.keys()) ndim = len(param_names) self._kwargs["ndim"] = ndim loglike, dynesty_prior = self._construct_unitcube_posterior(return_copy=True) # check if we are doing to do things in parallel if threeML_config["parallel"]["use_parallel"]: c = ParallelClient() view = c[:] self._kwargs["pool"] = view self._kwargs["queue_size"] = len(view) sampler = NestedSampler(loglike, dynesty_prior, **self._kwargs) self._sampler_kwargs["print_progress"] = loud with use_astromodels_memoization(False): log.debug("Start dynesty run") sampler.run_nested(**self._sampler_kwargs) log.debug("Dynesty run done") self._sampler = sampler results = self._sampler.results # draw posterior samples weights = np.exp(results["logwt"] - results["logz"][-1]) SQRTEPS = math.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float64).eps)) rstate = np.random if abs(np.sum(weights) - 1.0) > SQRTEPS: # same tol as in np.random.choice. raise ValueError("Weights do not sum to 1.") # Make N subdivisions and choose positions with a consistent random offset. nsamples = len(weights) positions = (rstate.random() + np.arange(nsamples)) / nsamples # Resample the data. idx = np.zeros(nsamples, dtype=int) cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(weights) i, j = 0, 0 while i < nsamples: if positions[i] < cumulative_sum[j]: idx[i] = j i += 1 else: j += 1 samples_dynesty = results["samples"][idx] self._raw_samples = samples_dynesty # now do the same for the log likes logl_dynesty = results["logl"][idx] self._log_like_values = logl_dynesty self._log_probability_values = self._log_like_values + np.array( [self._log_prior(samples) for samples in self._raw_samples] ) self._marginal_likelihood = self._sampler.results["logz"][-1] / np.log(10.0) self._build_samples_dictionary() self._build_results() # Display results if loud: self._results.display() # now get the marginal likelihood return self.samples
[docs] class DynestyDynamicSampler(UnitCubeSampler): def __init__(self, likelihood_model=None, data_list=None, **kwargs): assert has_dynesty, "You must install Dynesty to use this sampler" super(DynestyDynamicSampler, self).__init__( likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs )
[docs] def setup( self, nlive_init=500, maxiter_init=None, maxcall_init=None, dlogz_init=0.01, logl_max_init=np.inf, n_effective_init=np.inf, nlive_batch=500, wt_function=None, wt_kwargs=None, maxiter_batch=None, maxcall_batch=None, maxiter=None, maxcall=None, maxbatch=None, n_effective=np.inf, stop_function=None, stop_kwargs=None, use_stop=True, save_bounds=True, print_func=None, live_points=None, bound="multi", sample="auto", periodic=None, reflective=None, update_interval=None, first_update=None, npdim=None, rstate=None, use_pool=None, logl_args=None, logl_kwargs=None, ptform_args=None, ptform_kwargs=None, gradient=None, grad_args=None, grad_kwargs=None, compute_jac=False, enlarge=None, bootstrap=0, walks=25, facc=0.5, slices=5, fmove=0.9, max_move=100, update_func=None, **kwargs ): """TODO describe function :param nlive_init: :type nlive_init: :param maxiter_init: :type maxiter_init: :param maxcall_init: :type maxcall_init: :param dlogz_init: :type dlogz_init: :param logl_max_init: :type logl_max_init: :param n_effective_init: :type n_effective_init: :param nlive_batch: :type nlive_batch: :param wt_function: :type wt_function: :param wt_kwargs: :type wt_kwargs: :param maxiter_batch: :type maxiter_batch: :param maxcall_batch: :type maxcall_batch: :param maxiter: :type maxiter: :param maxcall: :type maxcall: :param maxbatch: :type maxbatch: :param n_effective: :type n_effective: :param stop_function: :type stop_function: :param stop_kwargs: :type stop_kwargs: :param use_stop: :type use_stop: :param save_bounds: :type save_bounds: :param print_func: :type print_func: :param live_points: :type live_points: :param bound: :type bound: :param sample: :type sample: :param periodic: :type periodic: :param reflective: :type reflective: :param update_interval: :type update_interval: :param first_update: :type first_update: :param npdim: :type npdim: :param rstate: :type rstate: :param use_pool: :type use_pool: :param logl_args: :type logl_args: :param logl_kwargs: :type logl_kwargs: :param ptform_args: :type ptform_args: :param ptform_kwargs: :type ptform_kwargs: :param gradient: :type gradient: :param grad_args: :type grad_args: :param grad_kwargs: :type grad_kwargs: :param compute_jac: :type compute_jac: :param enlarge: :type enlarge: :param bootstrap: :type bootstrap: :param vol_dec: :type vol_dec: :param vol_check: :type vol_check: :param walks: :type walks: :param facc: :type facc: :param slices: :type slices: :param fmove: :type fmove: :param max_move: :type max_move: :param update_func: :type update_func: :returns: """ log.debug("Setup dynesty dynamic sampler") self._sampler_kwargs = {} self._sampler_kwargs["nlive_init"] = nlive_init self._sampler_kwargs["maxiter_init"] = maxiter_init self._sampler_kwargs["maxcall_init"] = maxcall_init self._sampler_kwargs["dlogz_init"] = dlogz_init self._sampler_kwargs["logl_max_init"] = logl_max_init self._sampler_kwargs["n_effective_init"] = n_effective_init self._sampler_kwargs["nlive_batch"] = nlive_batch self._sampler_kwargs["wt_function"] = wt_function self._sampler_kwargs["wt_kwargs"] = wt_kwargs self._sampler_kwargs["maxiter_batch"] = maxiter_batch self._sampler_kwargs["maxcall_batch"] = maxcall_batch self._sampler_kwargs["maxiter"] = maxiter self._sampler_kwargs["maxcall"] = maxcall self._sampler_kwargs["maxbatch"] = maxbatch self._sampler_kwargs["n_effective"] = n_effective self._sampler_kwargs["stop_function"] = stop_function self._sampler_kwargs["stop_kwargs"] = stop_kwargs self._sampler_kwargs["use_stop"] = use_stop self._sampler_kwargs["save_bounds"] = save_bounds self._sampler_kwargs["print_func"] = print_func self._sampler_kwargs["live_points"] = live_points self._kwargs = {} self._kwargs["bound"] = bound self._kwargs["sample"] = sample self._kwargs["periodic"] = periodic self._kwargs["reflective"] = reflective self._kwargs["update_interval"] = update_interval self._kwargs["first_update"] = first_update self._kwargs["npdim"] = npdim self._kwargs["rstate"] = rstate self._kwargs["pool"] = None # TODO: have to figure out why # this is not working properly if use_pool is None: use_pool = dict( prior_transform=False, loglikelihood=False, propose_point=False, update_bound=True, ) self._kwargs["use_pool"] = use_pool self._kwargs["logl_args"] = logl_args self._kwargs["logl_kwargs"] = logl_kwargs self._kwargs["ptform_args"] = ptform_args self._kwargs["ptform_kwargs"] = ptform_kwargs self._kwargs["gradient"] = gradient self._kwargs["grad_args"] = grad_args self._kwargs["grad_kwargs"] = grad_kwargs self._kwargs["compute_jac"] = compute_jac self._kwargs["enlarge"] = enlarge self._kwargs["bootstrap"] = bootstrap self._kwargs["walks"] = walks self._kwargs["facc"] = facc self._kwargs["slices"] = slices self._kwargs["fmove"] = fmove self._kwargs["max_move"] = max_move self._kwargs["update_func"] = update_func for k, v in kwargs.items(): self._kwargs[k] = v self._is_setup = True
[docs] def sample(self, quiet=False): """ sample using the UltraNest numerical integration method :rtype: :returns: """ if not self._is_setup:"You forgot to setup the sampler!") return loud = not quiet self._update_free_parameters() param_names = list(self._free_parameters.keys()) ndim = len(param_names) self._kwargs["ndim"] = ndim loglike, dynesty_prior = self._construct_unitcube_posterior(return_copy=True) # check if we are doing to do things in parallel if threeML_config["parallel"]["use_parallel"]: c = ParallelClient() view = c[:] self._kwargs["pool"] = view self._kwargs["queue_size"] = len(view) sampler = DynamicNestedSampler(loglike, dynesty_prior, **self._kwargs) self._sampler_kwargs["print_progress"] = loud with use_astromodels_memoization(False): log.debug("Start dynestsy run") sampler.run_nested(**self._sampler_kwargs) log.debug("Dynesty run done") self._sampler = sampler results = self._sampler.results # draw posterior samples weights = np.exp(results["logwt"] - results["logz"][-1]) SQRTEPS = math.sqrt(float(np.finfo(np.float64).eps)) rstate = np.random if abs(np.sum(weights) - 1.0) > SQRTEPS: # same tol as in np.random.choice. raise ValueError("Weights do not sum to 1.") # Make N subdivisions and choose positions with a consistent random offset. nsamples = len(weights) positions = (rstate.random() + np.arange(nsamples)) / nsamples # Resample the data. idx = np.zeros(nsamples, dtype=int) cumulative_sum = np.cumsum(weights) i, j = 0, 0 while i < nsamples: if positions[i] < cumulative_sum[j]: idx[i] = j i += 1 else: j += 1 samples_dynesty = results["samples"][idx] self._raw_samples = samples_dynesty # now do the same for the log likes logl_dynesty = results["logl"][idx] self._log_like_values = logl_dynesty self._log_probability_values = self._log_like_values + np.array( [self._log_prior(samples) for samples in self._raw_samples] ) self._marginal_likelihood = self._sampler.results["logz"][-1] / np.log(10.0) self._build_samples_dictionary() self._build_results() # Display results if loud: self._results.display() # now get the marginal likelihood return self.samples