Source code for threeML.minimizer.tutorial_material

from __future__ import division

from builtins import map, range, zip

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colormaps
import numpy as np
from astromodels import (Function1D, FunctionMeta, Gaussian, Model,
                         PointSource, use_astromodels_memoization)
from past.utils import old_div
from threeML.classicMLE.joint_likelihood import JointLikelihood
from threeML.data_list import DataList
from threeML.minimizer.grid_minimizer import GridMinimizer
# from threeML.minimizer.ROOT_minimizer import ROOTMinimizer
from threeML.minimizer.minuit_minimizer import MinuitMinimizer
from threeML.plugin_prototype import PluginPrototype

# Leave these imports here, even though they look not used in the module, as they are used in the tutorial

# You don't need to do this in a normal 3ML analysis
# This is only for illustrative purposes
[docs] def get_callback(jl): def global_minim_callback(best_value, minimum): jl.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape.jump_tracking() return global_minim_callback
[docs] class JointLikelihoodWrap(JointLikelihood):
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): self.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape.reset_tracking() self.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape.start_tracking() with use_astromodels_memoization(False): try: super(JointLikelihoodWrap, self).fit(*args, **kwargs) except: raise finally: self.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape.stop_tracking()
[docs] def get_joint_likelihood_object_simple_likelihood(): minus_log_L = Simple() # Instance a plugin (in this case a special one for illustrative purposes) plugin = CustomLikelihoodLike("custom") # Set the log likelihood function explicitly. This is not needed for any other # plugin plugin.set_minus_log_likelihood(minus_log_L) # Make the data list (in this case just one dataset) data = DataList(plugin) src = PointSource("test", ra=0.0, dec=0.0, spectral_shape=minus_log_L) model = Model(src) jl = JointLikelihoodWrap(model, data, verbose=False) return jl, model
[docs] def get_joint_likelihood_object_complex_likelihood(): minus_log_L = Complex() # Instance a plugin (in this case a special one for illustrative purposes) plugin = CustomLikelihoodLike("custom") # Set the log likelihood function explicitly. This is not needed for any other # plugin plugin.set_minus_log_likelihood(minus_log_L) # Make the data list (in this case just one dataset) data = DataList(plugin) src = PointSource("test", ra=0.0, dec=0.0, spectral_shape=minus_log_L) model = Model(src) jl = JointLikelihoodWrap(model, data, verbose=False) return jl, model
[docs] def plot_likelihood_function(jl, fig=None): if fig is None: fig, sub = plt.subplots(1, 1) original_mu = # Let's have a look at the -log(L) by plotting it mus = np.arange(1, 100, 0.01) # These are 1,2,3,4...99 _ = plt.plot(mus, list(map(jl.minus_log_like_profile, mus))) _ = plt.xlabel(r"$\mu$") _ = plt.ylabel(r"$-\log{L(\mu)}$") # Reset the tracking within the function = original_mu return fig
[docs] def plot_minimizer_path(jl, points=False): """ :param jl: :type jl: JointLikelihood :return: """ qx_ = np.array( jl.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape._traversed_points, dtype=float ) qy_ = np.array( jl.likelihood_model.test.spectrum.main.shape._returned_values, dtype=float ) fig, sub = plt.subplots(1, 1) # Every np.nan divide a set qx_sets = np.split(qx_, np.where(~np.isfinite(qy_))[0]) qy_sets = np.split(qy_, np.where(~np.isfinite(qy_))[0]) if not points: # Color map N = len(qx_sets) cmap = colormaps["gist_earth"].resampled(N + 1) for i, (qx, qy) in enumerate(zip(qx_sets, qy_sets)): sub.quiver( qx[:-1], qy[:-1], qx[1:] - qx[:-1], qy[1:] - qy[:-1], scale_units="xy", angles="xy", scale=1, color=cmap(i), ) else: for i, (qx, qy) in enumerate(zip(qx_sets, qy_sets)): sub.plot(qx, qy, ".") # Now plot the likelihood function plot_likelihood_function(jl, fig) return fig
[docs] class CustomLikelihoodLike(PluginPrototype): def __init__(self, name): self._minus_log_l = None self._free_parameters = None super(CustomLikelihoodLike, self).__init__(name, {})
[docs] def set_minus_log_likelihood(self, likelihood_function): self._minus_log_l = likelihood_function
[docs] def set_model(self, likelihood_model_instance): """ Set the model to be used in the joint minimization. Must be a LikelihoodModel instance. """ # Gather free parameters self._free_parameters = likelihood_model_instance.free_parameters
[docs] def get_log_like(self): """ Return the value of the log-likelihood with the current values for the parameters """ # Gather values values = [x.value for x in list(self._free_parameters.values())] return -self._minus_log_l(*values)
inner_fit = get_log_like
[docs] def get_number_of_data_points(self): return 1
[docs] class Simple(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): """ description : A convex log likelihood latex : n.a. parameters : k : desc : normalization initial value : 1.0 fix : yes mu : desc : parameter initial value : 5.0 min : 1.0 max : 100 """ def _setup(self): self._gau = Gaussian(F=100.0, mu=40, sigma=10) # type: Gaussian self._returned_values = [] self._traversed_points = [] self._track = False
[docs] def reset_tracking(self): self._returned_values = [] self._traversed_points = []
[docs] def start_tracking(self): self._track = True
[docs] def stop_tracking(self): self._track = False
[docs] def jump_tracking(self): self._returned_values.append(np.nan) self._traversed_points.append(np.nan)
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): = x_unit self.k.unit = y_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, k, mu): val = -k * self._gau(x) if self._track: self._traversed_points.append(float(mu)) self._returned_values.append(float(val)) return val
[docs] class Complex(Simple): """ description : A convex log likelihood with multiple minima latex : n.a. parameters : k : desc : normalization initial value : 1.0 fix : yes mu : desc : parameter initial value : 5.0 min : 1.0 max : 100 """ def _setup(self): self._gau = Gaussian(F=100.0, mu=40, sigma=10) # + Gaussian(F=50.0, mu=60, sigma=5) for i in range(3): self._gau += Gaussian( F=100.0 / (i + 1), mu=10 + (i * 25), sigma=old_div(5, (i + 1)) ) self._returned_values = [] self._traversed_points = [] self._track = False def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): = x_unit self.k.unit = y_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, k, mu): val = -k * self._gau(x) if self._track: self._traversed_points.append(mu) self._returned_values.append(val) return val