Source code for threeML.bayesian.sampler_base

import abc
import collections
import math

import numpy as np
from future.utils import with_metaclass


    # see if we have mpi and/or are using parallel

    from mpi4py import MPI

    if MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1:  # need parallel capabilities
        using_mpi = True

        comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.Get_rank()


        using_mpi = False

    using_mpi = False

from astromodels.core.model import Model
from astromodels.functions.function import ModelAssertionViolation

from threeML.analysis_results import BayesianResults
from threeML.data_list import DataList
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import (LikelihoodIsInfinite,
from import setup_logger
from threeML.plugins.DispersionSpectrumLike import DispersionSpectrumLike
from threeML.plugins.SpectrumLike import SpectrumLike
from threeML.utils.numba_utils import nb_sum
from threeML.utils.statistics.stats_tools import aic, bic, dic
from threeML.utils.spectrum.share_spectrum import ShareSpectrum

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class SamplerBase(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): def __init__(self, likelihood_model: Model, data_list: DataList, **kwargs): """ The base class for all bayesian samplers. Provides a common interface to access samples and byproducts of fits. :param likelihood_model: the likelihood model :param data_list: the data list :param share_spectrum: (optional) Should the spectrum be shared between detectors with the same input energy bins? :returns: :rtype: """ self._samples = None self._raw_samples = None self._sampler = None self._log_like_values = None self._log_probability_values = None self._results = None self._is_setup = False self._is_registered = False self._likelihood_model = likelihood_model self._data_list = data_list self._n_plugins = len(list(self._data_list.keys())) # Share spectrum flag if the spectrum should only be calculated # once when different data_list entries have the same input energy bins. # Can speed up the fits a lot if many similar detectors are used. if "share_spectrum" in kwargs: self._share_spectrum = kwargs["share_spectrum"] assert ( type(self._share_spectrum) == bool ), "share_spectrum must be False or True." if self._share_spectrum: self._share_spectrum_object = ShareSpectrum(self._data_list) log.debug("Share spectrum has been initalized") else: self._share_spectrum = False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def setup(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sample(self): pass
@property def results(self): return self._results @property def samples(self): """ Access the samples from the posterior distribution generated by the selected sampler :return: a dictionary with the samples from the posterior distribution for each parameter """ return self._samples @property def raw_samples(self): """ Access the samples from the posterior distribution generated by the selected sampler in raw form (i.e., in the format returned by the sampler) :return: the samples as returned by the sampler """ return self._raw_samples @property def log_like_values(self): """ Returns the value of the log_likelihood found by the bayesian sampler while samplin g from the posterior. If you need to find the values of the parameters which generated a given value of the log. likelihood, remember that the samples accessible through the property .raw_samples are ordered in the same way as the vector returned by this method. :return: a vector of log. like values """ return self._log_like_values @property def log_probability_values(self): """ Returns the value of the log_probability (posterior) found by the bayesian sampler while sampling from the posterior. If you need to find the values of the parameters which generated a given value of the log. likelihood, remember that the samples accessible through the property .raw_samples are ordered in the same way as the vector returned by this method. :return: a vector of log probabilty values """ return self._log_probability_values @property def log_marginal_likelihood(self): """ Return the log marginal likelihood (evidence) if computed :return: """ return self._marginal_likelihood
[docs] def restore_median_fit(self): """ Sets the model parameters to the mean of the marginal distributions """ idx = self._log_probability_values.argmax() for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.items()): par = self._samples[parameter_name][idx] parameter.value = par
def _build_samples_dictionary(self): """ Build the dictionary to access easily the samples by parameter :return: none """ self._samples = collections.OrderedDict() for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.items()): # Add the samples for this parameter for this source self._samples[parameter_name] = self._raw_samples[:, i] def _build_results(self): """ build the results after a fit is performed :returns: :rtype: """ # Find maximum of the log posterior idx = self._log_probability_values.argmax() # Get parameter values at the maximum approximate_MAP_point = self._raw_samples[idx, :] # Sets the values of the parameters to their MAP values for i, parameter in enumerate(self._free_parameters): self._free_parameters[parameter].value = approximate_MAP_point[i] # Get the value of the posterior for each dataset at the MAP log_posteriors = collections.OrderedDict() log_prior = self._log_prior(approximate_MAP_point) # keep track of the total number of data points # and the total posterior total_n_data_points = 0 total_log_posterior = 0 for dataset in list(self._data_list.values()): log_posterior = dataset.get_log_like() + log_prior log_posteriors[] = log_posterior total_n_data_points += dataset.get_number_of_data_points() total_log_posterior += log_posterior # compute the statistical measures statistical_measures = collections.OrderedDict() # compute the point estimates statistical_measures["AIC"] = aic( total_log_posterior, len( self._free_parameters), total_n_data_points ) statistical_measures["BIC"] = bic( total_log_posterior, len( self._free_parameters), total_n_data_points ) this_dic, pdic = dic(self) # compute the posterior estimates statistical_measures["DIC"] = this_dic statistical_measures["PDIC"] = pdic if self._marginal_likelihood is not None: statistical_measures["log(Z)"] = self._marginal_likelihood # TODO: add WAIC # Instance the result self._results = BayesianResults( self._likelihood_model, self._raw_samples, log_posteriors, statistical_measures=statistical_measures, ) def _update_free_parameters(self): """ Update the dictionary of the current free parameters :return: """ self._free_parameters = self._likelihood_model.free_parameters
[docs] def get_posterior(self, trial_values): """Compute the posterior for the normal sampler""" # Assign this trial values to the parameters and # store the corresponding values for the priors # self._update_free_parameters() assert len(self._free_parameters) == len(trial_values), ( "Something is wrong. Number of free parameters " "do not match the number of trial values." ) log_prior = 0 # with use_ for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.items()): prior_value = parameter.prior(trial_values[i]) if prior_value == 0: # Outside allowed region of parameter space return -np.inf else: parameter.value = trial_values[i] log_prior += math.log10(prior_value) log_like = self._log_like(trial_values) # print("Log like is %s, log_prior is %s, for trial values %s" % (log_like, log_prior,trial_values)) return log_like + log_prior
def _log_prior(self, trial_values): """Compute the sum of log-priors, used in the parallel tempering sampling""" # Compute the sum of the log-priors log_prior = 0 for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate(self._free_parameters.items()): prior_value = parameter.prior(trial_values[i]) if prior_value == 0: # Outside allowed region of parameter space return -np.inf else: parameter.value = trial_values[i] log_prior += math.log10(prior_value) return log_prior def _log_like(self, trial_values): """Compute the log-likelihood""" # Get the value of the log-likelihood for this parameters try: log_like_values = np.zeros(self._n_plugins) # Loop over each dataset and get the likelihood values for each set if not self._share_spectrum: # Old way; every dataset independendly - This is fine if the # spectrum calc is fast. for i, dataset in enumerate(self._data_list.values()): log_like_values[i] = dataset.get_log_like() else: # If the calculation for the input spectrum of one of the sources is expensive # we want to avoid calculating the same thing several times. # Precalc the spectrum for all different Ebin_in that are used in the plugins precalc_fluxes = [] for base_key, e_edges in zip(self._share_spectrum_object.base_plugin_key, self._share_spectrum_object.data_ein_edges): if e_edges is None: precalc_fluxes.append(None) else: precalc_fluxes.append( self._data_list[base_key]._integral_flux() ) # Use these precalculated spectra to get the log_like for all plugins for i, dataset in enumerate(list(self._data_list.values())): # call get log_like with precalculated spectrum if self._share_spectrum_object.data_ein_edges[ self._share_spectrum_object.data_ebin_connect[i]] is not None: log_like_values[i] = dataset.get_log_like( precalc_fluxes=precalc_fluxes[ self._share_spectrum_object.data_ebin_connect[i] ] ) else: log_like_values[i] = dataset.get_log_like() except ModelAssertionViolation: # Fit engine or sampler outside of allowed zone return -np.inf except: # We don't want to catch more serious issues raise # Sum the values of the log-like log_like = nb_sum(log_like_values) if not np.isfinite(log_like): # Issue warning log.warning( "Likelihood value is infinite for parameters %s" % trial_values, ) return -np.inf return log_like
[docs]class MCMCSampler(SamplerBase): def __init__(self, likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs): super(MCMCSampler, self).__init__( likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs) def _get_starting_points(self, n_walkers, variance=0.1): # Generate the starting points for the walkers by getting random # values for the parameters close to the current value # Fractional variance for randomization # (0.1 means var = 0.1 * value ) p0 = [] for i in range(n_walkers): this_p0 = [ x.get_randomized_value(variance) for x in list(self._free_parameters.values()) ] p0.append(this_p0) return p0
[docs]class UnitCubeSampler(SamplerBase): def __init__(self, likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs): super(UnitCubeSampler, self).__init__( likelihood_model, data_list, **kwargs) def _construct_unitcube_posterior(self, return_copy=False): """ Here, we construct the prior and log. likelihood for multinest etc on the unit cube """ # First update the free parameters (in case the user changed them after the construction of the class) self._update_free_parameters() def loglike(trial_values, ndim=None, params=None): # NOTE: the _log_like function DOES NOT assign trial_values to the parameters for i, parameter in enumerate(self._free_parameters.values()): parameter.value = trial_values[i] log_like = self._log_like(trial_values) # if self._verbose: # n_par = len(self._free_parameters) # print( # "Trial values %s gave a log_like of %s" # % (["%.2g" % trial_values[i] for i in range(n_par)], log_like) # ) return log_like # Now construct the prior # MULTINEST priors are defined on the unit cube # and should return the value in the bounds... not the # probability. Therefore, we must make some transforms if return_copy: def prior(cube): params = cube.copy() for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate( self._free_parameters.items() ): try: params[i] = parameter.prior.from_unit_cube(params[i]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( "The prior you are trying to use for parameter %s is " "not compatible with sampling from a unitcube" % parameter_name ) return params else: def prior(params, ndim=None, nparams=None): for i, (parameter_name, parameter) in enumerate( self._free_parameters.items() ): try: params[i] = parameter.prior.from_unit_cube(params[i]) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( "The prior you are trying to use for parameter %s is " "not compatible with sampling from a unitcube" % parameter_name ) # Give a test run to the prior to check that it is working. If it crashes while multinest is going # it will not stop multinest from running and generate thousands of exceptions (argh!) n_dim = len(self._free_parameters) _ = prior([0.5] * n_dim, n_dim, []) return loglike, prior