Source code for threeML.utils.interval

import re
import copy
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import numpy as np

[docs]class IntervalsDoNotOverlap(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class IntervalsNotContiguous(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class Interval(object): def __init__(self, start, stop, swap_if_inverted=False): self._start = float(start) self._stop = float(stop) # Note that this allows to have intervals of zero duration if self._stop < self._start: if swap_if_inverted: self._start = stop self._stop = start else: raise RuntimeError( "Invalid time interval! TSTART must be before TSTOP and TSTOP-TSTART >0. " "Got tstart = %s and tstop = %s" % (start, stop) ) @property def start(self): return self._start @property def stop(self): return self._stop
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_width(self): return self._stop - self._start @property def mid_point(self): return (self._start + self._stop) / 2.0 def __repr__(self): return " interval %s - %s (width: %s)" % ( self.start, self.stop, self._get_width(), )
[docs] def intersect(self, interval): """ Returns a new time interval corresponding to the intersection between this interval and the provided one. :param interval: a TimeInterval instance :type interval: Interval :return: new interval covering the intersection :raise IntervalsDoNotOverlap : if the intervals do not overlap """ if not self.overlaps_with(interval): raise IntervalsDoNotOverlap( "Current interval does not overlap with provided interval" ) new_start = max(self._start, interval.start) new_stop = min(self._stop, interval.stop) return, new_stop)
[docs] def merge(self, interval): """ Returns a new interval corresponding to the merge of the current and the provided time interval. The intervals must overlap. :param interval: a TimeInterval instance :type interval : Interval :return: a new TimeInterval instance """ if self.overlaps_with(interval): new_start = min(self._start, interval.start) new_stop = max(self._stop, interval.stop) return, new_stop) else: raise IntervalsDoNotOverlap("Could not merge non-overlapping intervals!")
[docs] def overlaps_with(self, interval): """ Returns whether the current time interval and the provided one overlap or not :param interval: a TimeInterval instance :type interval: Interval :return: True or False """ if interval.start == self._start or interval.stop == self._stop: return True elif interval.start > self._start and interval.start < self._stop: return True elif interval.stop > self._start and interval.stop < self._stop: return True elif interval.start < self._start and interval.stop > self._stop: return True else: return False
[docs] def to_string(self): """ returns a string representation of the time interval that is like the argument of many interval reading funcitons :return: """ return "%f-%f" % (self.start, self.stop)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Interval): # This is needed for things like comparisons to None or other objects. # Of course if the other object is not even a TimeInterval, the two things # cannot be equal return False else: return self.start == other.start and self.stop == other.stop
[docs]class IntervalSet(object): """ A set of intervals """ INTERVAL_TYPE = Interval def __init__(self, list_of_intervals=()): self._intervals = list(list_of_intervals)
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new interval set of this type :param args: :param kwargs: :return: interval set """ return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def new_interval(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new interval of INTERVAL_TYPE :param args: :param kwargs: :return: interval """ return cls.INTERVAL_TYPE(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_strings(cls, *intervals): """ These are intervals specified as "-10 -- 5", "0-10", and so on :param intervals: :return: """ list_of_intervals = [] for interval in intervals: imin, imax = cls._parse_interval(interval) list_of_intervals.append(cls.new_interval(imin, imax)) return cls(list_of_intervals)
@staticmethod def _parse_interval(time_interval): # The following regular expression matches any two numbers, positive or negative, # like "-10 --5","-10 - -5", "-10-5", "5-10" and so on tokens = re.match( "(\-?\+?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\s*-\s*(\-?\+?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)", time_interval ).groups() return [float(x) for x in tokens]
[docs] @classmethod def from_starts_and_stops(cls, starts, stops): """ Builds a TimeIntervalSet from a list of start and stop times: start = [-1,0] -> [-1,0], [0,1] stop = [0,1] :param starts: :param stops: :return: """ assert len(starts) == len(stops), ( "starts length: %d and stops length: %d must have same length" % (len(starts), len(stops)) ) list_of_intervals = [] for imin, imax in zip(starts, stops): list_of_intervals.append(cls.new_interval(imin, imax)) return cls(list_of_intervals)
[docs] @classmethod def from_list_of_edges(cls, edges): """ Builds a IntervalSet from a list of time edges: edges = [-1,0,1] -> [-1,0], [0,1] :param edges: :return: """ # sort the time edges edges.sort() list_of_intervals = [] for imin, imax in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:]): list_of_intervals.append(cls.new_interval(imin, imax)) return cls(list_of_intervals)
[docs] def merge_intersecting_intervals(self, in_place=False): """ merges intersecting intervals into a contiguous intervals :return: """ # get a copy of the sorted intervals sorted_intervals = self.sort() new_intervals = [] while len(sorted_intervals) > 1: # pop the first interval off the stack this_interval = sorted_intervals.pop(0) # see if that interval overlaps with the the next one if this_interval.overlaps_with(sorted_intervals[0]): # if so, pop the next one next_interval = sorted_intervals.pop(0) # and merge the two, appending them to the new intervals new_intervals.append(this_interval.merge(next_interval)) else: # otherwise just append this interval new_intervals.append(this_interval) # now if there is only one interval left # it should not overlap with any other interval # and the loop will stop # otherwise, we continue # if there was only one interval # or a leftover from the merge # we append it if sorted_intervals: assert ( len(sorted_intervals) == 1 ), "there should only be one interval left over, this is a bug" # pragma: no cover # we want to make sure that the last new interval did not # overlap with the final interval if new_intervals: if new_intervals[-1].overlaps_with(sorted_intervals[0]): new_intervals[-1] = new_intervals[-1].merge(sorted_intervals[0]) else: new_intervals.append(sorted_intervals[0]) else: new_intervals.append(sorted_intervals[0]) if in_place: self.__init__(new_intervals) else: return
[docs] def extend(self, list_of_intervals): self._intervals.extend(list_of_intervals)
def __len__(self): return len(self._intervals) def __iter__(self): for interval in self._intervals: yield interval def __getitem__(self, item): return self._intervals[item] def __eq__(self, other): for interval_this, interval_other in zip(self.argsort(), other.argsort()): if not self[interval_this] == other[interval_other]: return False return True
[docs] def pop(self, index): return self._intervals.pop(index)
[docs] def sort(self): """ Returns a sorted copy of the set (sorted according to the tstart of the time intervals) :return: """ if self.is_sorted: return copy.deepcopy(self) else: return*self.argsort())(self._intervals)))
[docs] def argsort(self): """ Returns the indices which order the set :return: """ # Gather all tstarts tstarts = [x.start for x in self._intervals] return [x[0] for x in sorted(enumerate(tstarts), key=itemgetter(1))]
[docs] def is_contiguous(self, relative_tolerance=1e-5): """ Check whether the time intervals are all contiguous, i.e., the stop time of one interval is the start time of the next :return: True or False """ starts = [attrgetter("start")(x) for x in self._intervals] stops = [attrgetter("stop")(x) for x in self._intervals] return np.allclose(starts[1:], stops[:-1], rtol=relative_tolerance)
@property def is_sorted(self): """ Check whether the time intervals are sorted :return: True or False """ return np.all(self.argsort() == np.arange(len(self)))
[docs] def containing_bin(self, value): """ finds the index of the interval containing :param value: :return: """ # Get the index of the first ebounds upper bound larger than energy # (but never go below zero or above the last channel) idx = min(max(0, np.searchsorted(self.edges, value) - 1), len(self)) return idx
[docs] def containing_interval(self, start, stop, inner=True, as_mask=False): """ returns either a mask of the intervals contained in the selection or a new set of intervals within the selection. NOTE: no sort is performed :param start: start of interval :param stop: stop of interval :param inner: if True, returns only intervals strictly contained within bounds, if False, returns outer bounds as well :param as_mask: if you want a mask or the intervals :return: """ # loop only once because every call unpacks the array # we need to round for the comparison because we may have read from # strings which are rounded to six decimals starts = np.round(self.starts, decimals=6) stops = np.round(self.stops, decimals=6) start = np.round(start, decimals=6) stop = np.round(stop, decimals=6) condition = (starts >= start) & (stop >= stops) if not inner: # now we get the end caps lower_condition = (starts <= start) & (start <= stops) upper_condition = (starts <= stop) & (stop <= stops) condition = condition | lower_condition | upper_condition # if we just want the mask if as_mask: return condition else: return[condition])
@property def starts(self): """ Return the starts fo the set :return: list of start times """ return [interval.start for interval in self._intervals] @property def stops(self): """ Return the stops of the set :return: """ return [interval.stop for interval in self._intervals] @property def mid_points(self): return np.array([interval.mid_point for interval in self._intervals]) @property def widths(self): return np.array([interval._get_width() for interval in self._intervals]) @property def absolute_start(self): """ the minimum of the start times :return: """ return min(self.starts) @property def absolute_stop(self): """ the maximum of the stop times :return: """ return max(self.stops) @property def edges(self): """ return an array of time edges if contiguous :return: """ if self.is_contiguous() and self.is_sorted: edges = [ interval.start for interval in itemgetter(*self.argsort())(self._intervals) ] edges.append( [ interval.stop for interval in itemgetter(*self.argsort())(self._intervals) ][-1] ) else: raise IntervalsNotContiguous( "Cannot return edges for non-contiguous intervals" ) return edges
[docs] def to_string(self): """ returns a set of string representaitons of the intervals :return: """ return ",".join([interval.to_string() for interval in self._intervals])
@property def bin_stack(self): """ get a stacked view of the bins [[start_1,stop_1 ], [start_2,stop_2 ]] :return: """ return np.vstack((self.starts, self.stops)).T