Source code for threeML.catalogs.Fermi

from __future__ import division
from builtins import str
from builtins import map
from past.utils import old_div
import numpy
import re
from .VirtualObservatoryCatalog import VirtualObservatoryCatalog

from astromodels import *
from astromodels.utils.angular_distance import angular_distance

from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from import get_heasarc_table_as_pandas
from import DictWithPrettyPrint

_trigger_name_match = re.compile("^GRB\d{9}$")
_3FGL_name_match = re.compile("^3FGL J\d{4}.\d(\+|-)\d{4}\D?$")

def _gbm_and_lle_valid_source_check(source):
    checks if source name is valid for both GBM and LLE data

    :param source: source name
    :return: bool

    warn_string = (
        "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form GRB080916009" % source

    match = _trigger_name_match.match(source)

    if match is None:


        answer = False


        answer = True

    return answer

[docs]class FermiGBMBurstCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): """ The Fermi-LAT GBM GRB catalog. Search for GRBs by trigger number, location, spectral parameters, T90, and date range. :param update: force update the XML VO table """ self._update = update super(FermiGBMBurstCatalog, self).__init__( "fermigbrst", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Fermi"]["GBM burst catalog"], "Fermi-LAT/GBM burst catalog", ) self._gbm_detector_lookup = np.array( [ "n0", "n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "n6", "n7", "n8", "n9", "na", "nb", "b0", "b1", ] ) self._available_models = ("band", "comp", "plaw", "sbpl") def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "fermigbrst", update=self._update, cache_time_days=1.0 )
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): new_table = table[ "name", "ra", "dec", "trigger_time", "t90", ] new_table["ra"].format = "5.3f" new_table["dec"].format = "5.3f" return new_table.group_by("trigger_time")
def _source_is_valid(self, source): return _gbm_and_lle_valid_source_check(source)
[docs] def get_detector_information(self): """ Return the detectors used for spectral analysis as well as their background intervals. Peak flux and fluence intervals are also returned as well as best fit models :return: detector information dictionary """ assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting detector information" # Loop over the table and build a source for each entry sources = {} for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): # First we want to get the the detectors used in the SCAT file idx = np.array(list(map(int, row["scat_detector_mask"])), dtype=bool) detector_selection = self._gbm_detector_lookup[idx] # get the location ra = row["ra"] dec = row["dec"] # Now we want to know the background intervals lo_start = row["back_interval_low_start"] lo_stop = row["back_interval_low_stop"] hi_start = row["back_interval_high_start"] hi_stop = row["back_interval_high_stop"] # the GBM plugin accepts these as strings pre_bkg = "%f-%f" % (lo_start, lo_stop) post_bkg = "%f-%f" % (hi_start, hi_stop) full_bkg = "%s,%s" % (pre_bkg, post_bkg) background_dict = {"pre": pre_bkg, "post": post_bkg, "full": full_bkg} # now we want the fluence interval and peak flux intervals # first the fluence start_flu = row["t90_start"] stop_flu = row["t90_start"] + row["t90"] interval_fluence = "%f-%f" % (start_flu, stop_flu) # peak flux start_pk = row["pflx_spectrum_start"] stop_pk = row["pflx_spectrum_stop"] interval_pk = "%f-%f" % (start_pk, stop_pk) # build the dictionary spectrum_dict = {"fluence": interval_fluence, "peak": interval_pk} trigger = row["trigger_name"] # get the best fit model in the fluence and peak intervals best_fit_peak = row["pflx_best_fitting_model"].split("_")[-1] best_fit_fluence = row["flnc_best_fitting_model"].split("_")[-1] best_dict = {"fluence": best_fit_fluence, "peak": best_fit_peak} sources[name] = { "source": spectrum_dict, "background": background_dict, "trigger": trigger, "detectors": detector_selection, "best fit model": best_dict, "ra": ra, "dec": dec, } return DictWithPrettyPrint(sources)
[docs] def get_model(self, model="band", interval="fluence"): """ Return the fitted model from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog in 3ML Model form. You can choose band, comp, plaw, or sbpl models corresponding to the models fitted in the GBM catalog. The interval for the fit can be the 'fluence' or 'peak' interval :param model: one of 'band' (default), 'comp', 'plaw', 'sbpl' :param interval: 'peak' or 'fluence' (default) :return: a dictionary of 3ML likelihood models that can be fitted """ # check the model name and the interval selection model = model.lower() assert ( model in self._available_models ), "model is not in catalog. available choices are %s" % (", ").join( self._available_models ) available_intervals = {"fluence": "flnc", "peak": "pflx"} assert interval in list(available_intervals.keys()), ( "interval not recognized. choices are %s" % (" ,".join(list(available_intervals.keys()))) ) sources = {} lh_model = None for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): ra = row["ra"] dec = row["dec"] # name = str(name, 'utf-8') # get the proper 3ML model if model == "band": lh_model, shape = self._build_band( name, ra, dec, row, available_intervals[interval] ) if model == "comp": lh_model, shape = self._build_cpl( name, ra, dec, row, available_intervals[interval] ) if model == "plaw": lh_model, shape = self._build_powerlaw( name, ra, dec, row, available_intervals[interval] ) if model == "sbpl": lh_model, shape = self._build_sbpl( name, ra, dec, row, available_intervals[interval] ) # the assertion above should never let us get here if lh_model is None: raise RuntimeError("We should never get here. This is a bug") # return the model sources[name] = lh_model return sources
@staticmethod def _build_band(name, ra, dec, row, interval): """ builds a band function from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog :param name: GRB name :param ra: GRB ra :param dec: GRB de :param row: VO table row :param interval: interval type for parameters :return: 3ML likelihood model """ # construct the primary string primary_string = "%s_band_" % interval # get the parameters epeak = row[primary_string + "epeak"] alpha = row[primary_string + "alpha"] beta = row[primary_string + "beta"] amp = row[primary_string + "ampl"] band = Band() if amp < 0.0: amp = 0.0 band.K = amp if epeak < band.xp.min_value: band.xp.min_value = epeak band.xp = epeak # The GBM catalog has some extreme alpha values if alpha < band.alpha.min_value: band.alpha.min_value = alpha elif alpha > band.alpha.max_value: band.alpha.max_value = alpha band.alpha = alpha # The GBM catalog has some extreme beta values if beta < band.beta.min_value: band.beta.min_value = beta elif beta > band.beta.max_value: band.beta.max_value = beta band.beta = beta # build the model ps = PointSource(name, ra, dec, spectral_shape=band) model = Model(ps) return model, band @staticmethod def _build_cpl(name, ra, dec, row, interval): """ builds a cpl function from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog :param name: GRB name :param ra: GRB ra :param dec: GRB de :param row: VO table row :param interval: interval type for parameters :return: 3ML likelihood model """ primary_string = "%s_comp_" % interval epeak = row[primary_string + "epeak"] index = row[primary_string + "index"] pivot = row[primary_string + "pivot"] amp = row[primary_string + "ampl"] # need to correct epeak to e cut ecut = old_div(epeak, (2 - index)) cpl = Cutoff_powerlaw() if amp < 0.0: amp = 0.0 cpl.K = amp if ecut < cpl.xc.min_value: cpl.xc.min_value = ecut cpl.xc = ecut cpl.piv = pivot if index < cpl.index.min_value: cpl.index.min_value = index elif index > cpl.index.max_value: cpl.index.max_value = index cpl.index = index ps = PointSource(name, ra, dec, spectral_shape=cpl) model = Model(ps) return model, cpl @staticmethod def _build_powerlaw(name, ra, dec, row, interval): """ builds a pl function from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog :param name: GRB name :param ra: GRB ra :param dec: GRB de :param row: VO table row :param interval: interval type for parameters :return: 3ML likelihood model """ primary_string = "%s_plaw_" % interval index = row[primary_string + "index"] pivot = row[primary_string + "pivot"] amp = row[primary_string + "ampl"] pl = Powerlaw() if amp < 0.0: amp = 0.0 pl.K = amp pl.piv = pivot pl.index = index ps = PointSource(name, ra, dec, spectral_shape=pl) model = Model(ps) return model, pl @staticmethod def _build_sbpl(name, ra, dec, row, interval): """ builds a sbpl function from the Fermi-LAT GBM catalog :param name: GRB name :param ra: GRB ra :param dec: GRB de :param row: VO table row :param interval: interval type for parameters :return: 3ML likelihood model """ primary_string = "%s_sbpl_" % interval alpha = row[primary_string + "indx1"] beta = row[primary_string + "indx2"] amp = row[primary_string + "ampl"] break_scale = row[primary_string + "brksc"] break_energy = row[primary_string + "brken"] pivot = row[primary_string + "pivot"] sbpl = SmoothlyBrokenPowerLaw() if amp < 0.0: amp = 0.0 sbpl.K = amp sbpl.pivot = pivot # The GBM catalog has some extreme alpha values if break_energy < sbpl.break_energy.min_value: sbpl.break_energy.min_value = break_energy sbpl.break_energy = break_energy if alpha < sbpl.alpha.min_value: sbpl.alpha.min_value = alpha elif alpha > sbpl.alpha.max_value: sbpl.alpha.max_value = alpha sbpl.alpha = alpha # The GBM catalog has some extreme beta values if beta < sbpl.beta.min_value: sbpl.beta.min_value = beta elif beta > sbpl.beta.max_value: sbpl.beta.max_value = beta sbpl.beta = beta sbpl.break_scale = break_scale = True ps = PointSource(name, ra, dec, spectral_shape=sbpl) model = Model(ps) return model, sbpl
######### threefgl_types = { "agn": "other non-blazar active galaxy", "bcu": "active galaxy of uncertain type", "bin": "binary", "bll": "BL Lac type of blazar", "css": "compact steep spectrum quasar", "fsrq": "FSRQ type of blazar", "gal": "normal galaxy (or part)", "glc": "globular cluster", "hmb": "high-mass binary", "nlsy1": "narrow line Seyfert 1", "nov": "nova", "PSR": "pulsar, identified by pulsations", "psr": "pulsar, no pulsations seen in LAT yet", "pwn": "pulsar wind nebula", "rdg": "radio galaxy", "sbg": "starburst galaxy", "sey": "Seyfert galaxy", "sfr": "star-forming region", "snr": "supernova remnant", "spp": "special case - potential association with SNR or PWN", "ssrq": "soft spectrum radio quasar", "unk": "unknown", "": "unknown", } def _sanitize_3fgl_name(fgl_name): swap = ( fgl_name.replace(" ", "_").replace("+", "p").replace("-", "m").replace(".", "d") ) if swap[0] in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]: swap = "_%s" % swap return swap def _get_point_source_from_3fgl(fgl_name, catalog_entry, fix=False): """ Translate a spectrum from the 3FGL into an astromodels spectrum """ name = _sanitize_3fgl_name(fgl_name) spectrum_type = catalog_entry["spectrum_type"] ra = float(catalog_entry["ra"]) dec = float(catalog_entry["dec"]) if spectrum_type == "PowerLaw": this_spectrum = Powerlaw() this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum) this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["pl_index"]) * -1 this_spectrum.index.fix = fix this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["pl_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV ) this_spectrum.K.fix = fix this_spectrum.K.bounds = ( this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0, this_spectrum.K.value * 1000, ) this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV elif spectrum_type == "LogParabola": this_spectrum = Log_parabola() this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum) this_spectrum.alpha = float(catalog_entry["lp_index"]) * -1 this_spectrum.alpha.fix = fix this_spectrum.beta = float(catalog_entry["lp_beta"]) this_spectrum.beta.fix = fix this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["lp_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV ) this_spectrum.K.fix = fix this_spectrum.K.bounds = ( this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0, this_spectrum.K.value * 1000, ) elif spectrum_type == "PLExpCutoff": this_spectrum = Cutoff_powerlaw() this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum) this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"]) * -1 this_spectrum.index.fix = fix this_spectrum.piv = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) * u.MeV this_spectrum.K = float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV ) this_spectrum.K.fix = fix this_spectrum.K.bounds = ( this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0, this_spectrum.K.value * 1000, ) this_spectrum.xc = float(catalog_entry["cutoff"]) * u.MeV this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix elif spectrum_type in ["PLSuperExpCutoff", "PLSuperExpCutoff2"]: # This is the new definition, from the 4FGL catalog. # Note that in version 19 of the 4FGL, cutoff spectra are designated as PLSuperExpCutoff # rather than PLSuperExpCutoff2 as in version , but the same parametrization is used. this_spectrum = Super_cutoff_powerlaw() this_source = PointSource(name, ra=ra, dec=dec, spectral_shape=this_spectrum) a = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_factor"]) E0 = float(catalog_entry["pivot_energy"]) b = float(catalog_entry["plec_exp_index"]) conv = math.exp(a * E0 ** b) this_spectrum.index = float(catalog_entry["plec_index"]) * -1 this_spectrum.index.fix = fix this_spectrum.gamma = b this_spectrum.gamma.fix = fix this_spectrum.piv = E0 * u.MeV this_spectrum.K = ( conv * float(catalog_entry["plec_flux_density"]) / ( ** 2 * u.s * u.MeV) ) this_spectrum.K.fix = fix this_spectrum.K.bounds = ( this_spectrum.K.value / 1000.0, this_spectrum.K.value * 1000, ) this_spectrum.xc = a ** (old_div(-1.0, b)) * u.MeV this_spectrum.xc.fix = fix else: raise NotImplementedError( "Spectrum type %s is not a valid 4FGL type" % spectrum_type ) return this_source
[docs]class ModelFrom3FGL(Model): def __init__(self, ra_center, dec_center, *sources): self._ra_center = float(ra_center) self._dec_center = float(dec_center) super(ModelFrom3FGL, self).__init__(*sources)
[docs] def free_point_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Free the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, frees only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix(True, radius, normalization_only)
[docs] def fix_point_sources_within_radius(self, radius, normalization_only=True): """ Fixes the parameters for the point sources within the given radius of the center of the search cone :param radius: radius in degree :param normalization_only: if True, fixes only the normalization of the source (default: True) :return: none """ self._free_or_fix(False, radius, normalization_only)
def _free_or_fix(self, free, radius, normalization_only): for src_name in self.point_sources: src = self.point_sources[src_name] this_d = angular_distance( self._ra_center, self._dec_center, src.position.ra.value, src.position.dec.value, ) if this_d <= radius: if normalization_only: = free else: for par in src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters: src.spectrum.main.shape.parameters[par].free = free
[docs]class FermiLATSourceCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): self._update = update super(FermiLATSourceCatalog, self).__init__( "fermilpsc", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Fermi"]["LAT FGL"], "Fermi-LAT/LAT source catalog", ) def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "fermilpsc", update=self._update, cache_time_days=10.0 ) def _source_is_valid(self, source): """ checks if source name is valid for the 3FGL catalog :param source: source name :return: bool """ warn_string = ( "The trigger %s is not valid. Must be in the form '3FGL J0000.0+0000'" % source ) match = _3FGL_name_match.match(source) if match is None: custom_warnings.warn(warn_string) answer = False else: answer = True return answer
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): def translate(key): if key.lower() == "psr": return threefgl_types[key] if key.lower() in list(threefgl_types.keys()): return threefgl_types[key.lower()] return "unknown" # Translate the 3 letter code to a more informative category, according # to the dictionary above table["source_type"] = numpy.array(list(map(translate, table["source_type"]))) try: new_table = table[ "name", "source_type", "ra", "dec", "assoc_name", "tevcat_assoc", "Search_Offset", ] return new_table.group_by("Search_Offset") # we may have not done a cone search! except (ValueError): new_table = table[ "name", "source_type", "ra", "dec", "assoc_name", "tevcat_assoc" ] return new_table.group_by("name")
[docs] def get_model(self, use_association_name=True): assert ( self._last_query_results is not None ), "You have to run a query before getting a model" # Loop over the table and build a source for each entry sources = [] source_names = [] for name, row in self._last_query_results.T.items(): if name[-1] == "e": # Extended source custom_warnings.warn( "Source %s is extended, support for extended source is not here yet. I will ignore" "it" % name ) # If there is an association and use_association is True, use that name, otherwise the 3FGL name if row["assoc_name"] != "" and use_association_name: this_name = row["assoc_name"] # The crab is the only source which is present more than once in the 3FGL if this_name == "Crab Nebula": if name[-1] == "i": this_name = "Crab_IC" elif name[-1] == "s": this_name = "Crab_synch" else: this_name = "Crab_pulsar" else: this_name = name # in the 4FGL name there are more sources with the same name: this nwill avod any duplicates: i = 1 while this_name in source_names: this_name += str(i) i += 1 pass # By default all sources are fixed. The user will free the one he/she will need source_names.append(this_name) this_source = _get_point_source_from_3fgl(this_name, row, fix=True) sources.append(this_source) return ModelFrom3FGL(self.ra_center, self.dec_center, *sources)
[docs]class FermiLLEBurstCatalog(VirtualObservatoryCatalog): def __init__(self, update=False): """ The Fermi-LAT LAT Low-Energy (LLE) trigger catalog. Search for GRBs and solar flares by trigger number, location, trigger type and date range. :param update: force update the XML VO table """ self._update = update super(FermiLLEBurstCatalog, self).__init__( "fermille", threeML_config["catalogs"]["Fermi"]["LLE catalog"], "Fermi-LAT/LLE catalog", )
[docs] def apply_format(self, table): new_table = table["name", "ra", "dec", "trigger_time", "trigger_type"] #Remove rows with masked elements in trigger_time column if new_table.masked: new_table = new_table[~new_table['trigger_time'].mask] new_table["ra"].format = "5.3f" new_table["dec"].format = "5.3f" return new_table.group_by("trigger_time")
def _get_vo_table_from_source(self): self._vo_dataframe = get_heasarc_table_as_pandas( "fermille", update=self._update, cache_time_days=5.0 ) def _source_is_valid(self, source): return _gbm_and_lle_valid_source_check(source)