Source code for threeML.utils.time_series.time_series

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from past.utils import old_div

__author__ = "grburgess"

import collections
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import HDFStore

from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from import sanitize_filename
from threeML.utils.spectrum.binned_spectrum import Quality
from threeML.utils.time_interval import TimeIntervalSet
from threeML.utils.time_series.polynomial import polyfit, unbinned_polyfit, Polynomial

[docs]class ReducingNumberOfThreads(Warning): pass
[docs]class ReducingNumberOfSteps(Warning): pass
[docs]class OverLappingIntervals(RuntimeError): pass
# find out how many splits we need to make
[docs]def ceildiv(a, b): return -(-a // b)
[docs]class TimeSeries(object): def __init__( self, start_time, stop_time, n_channels, native_quality=None, first_channel=1, ra=None, dec=None, mission=None, instrument=None, verbose=True, edges=None, ): """ The EventList is a container for event data that is tagged in time and in PHA/energy. It handles event selection, temporal polynomial fitting, temporal binning, and exposure calculations (in subclasses). Once events are selected and/or polynomials are fit, the selections can be extracted via a PHAContainer which is can be read by an OGIPLike instance and translated into a PHA instance. :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param energies: list of event energies or pha channels :param native_quality: native pha quality flags :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param mission: :param instrument: :param verbose: :param ra: :param dec: """ self._verbose = verbose self._n_channels = n_channels self._first_channel = first_channel self._native_quality = native_quality # we haven't made selections yet self._time_intervals = None self._poly_intervals = None self._counts = None self._exposure = None self._poly_counts = None self._poly_count_err = None self._poly_selected_counts = None self._poly_exposure = None # ebounds for objects w/o a response self._edges = edges if native_quality is not None: assert len(native_quality) == n_channels, ( "the native quality has length %d but you specified there were %d channels" % (len(native_quality), n_channels) ) self._start_time = start_time self._stop_time = stop_time # name the instrument if there is not one if instrument is None: custom_warnings.warn("No instrument name is given. Setting to UNKNOWN") self._instrument = "UNKNOWN" else: self._instrument = instrument if mission is None: custom_warnings.warn("No mission name is given. Setting to UNKNOWN") self._mission = "UNKNOWN" else: self._mission = mission self._user_poly_order = -1 self._time_selection_exists = False self._poly_fit_exists = False self._fit_method_info = {"bin type": None, "fit method": None}
[docs] def set_active_time_intervals(self, *args): raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in subclass")
@property def poly_fit_exists(self): return self._poly_fit_exists @property def n_channels(self): return self._n_channels @property def poly_intervals(self): return self._poly_intervals @property def polynomials(self): """ Returns polynomial is they exist""" if self._poly_fit_exists: return self._polynomials else: RuntimeError("A polynomial fit has not been made.")
[docs] def get_poly_info(self): """ Return a pandas panel frame with the polynomial coeffcients and errors Returns: a DataFrame """ if self._poly_fit_exists: coeff = [] err = [] for poly in self._polynomials: coeff.append(poly.coefficients) err.append(poly.error) df_coeff = pd.DataFrame(coeff) df_err = pd.DataFrame(err) # print('Coefficients') # # display(df_coeff) # # print('Coefficient Error') # # display(df_err) pan = {"coefficients": df_coeff, "error": df_err} return pan else: RuntimeError("A polynomial fit has not been made.")
[docs] def get_total_poly_count(self, start, stop, mask=None): """ Get the total poly counts :param start: :param stop: :return: """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._polynomials, dtype=np.bool) total_counts = 0 for p in np.asarray(self._polynomials)[mask]: total_counts += p.integral(start, stop) return total_counts
[docs] def get_total_poly_error(self, start, stop, mask=None): """ Get the total poly error :param start: :param stop: :return: """ if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(self._polynomials, dtype=np.bool) total_counts = 0 for p in np.asarray(self._polynomials)[mask]: total_counts += p.integral_error(start, stop) ** 2 return np.sqrt(total_counts)
@property def bins(self): if self._temporal_binner is not None: return self._temporal_binner else: raise RuntimeError("This EventList has no binning specified") def __set_poly_order(self, value): """ Set poly order only in allowed range and redo fit """ assert type(value) is int, "Polynomial order must be integer" assert ( -1 <= value <= 4 ), "Polynomial order must be 0-4 or -1 to have it determined" self._user_poly_order = value if self._poly_fit_exists: print( "Refitting background with new polynomial order (%d) and existing selections" % value ) if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_polynomial_fit_interval( *self._poly_intervals.to_string().split(","), unbinned=self._unbinned ) else: RuntimeError("This is a bug. Should never get here") def ___set_poly_order(self, value): """ Indirect poly order setter """ self.__set_poly_order(value) def __get_poly_order(self): """ get the poly order """ return self._optimal_polynomial_grade def ___get_poly_order(self): """ Indirect poly order getter """ return self.__get_poly_order() poly_order = property( ___get_poly_order, ___set_poly_order, doc="Get or set the polynomial order" ) @property def time_intervals(self): """ the time intervals of the events :return: """ return self._time_intervals
[docs] def exposure_over_interval(self, tmin, tmax): """ calculate the exposure over a given interval """ raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def counts_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ return the number of counts in the selected interval :param start: start of interval :param stop: stop of interval :return: """ # this will be a boolean list and the sum will be the # number of events raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def count_per_channel_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ :param start: :param stop: :return: """ raise RuntimeError("Must be implemented in sub class")
[docs] def set_polynomial_fit_interval(self, *time_intervals, **options): """Set the time interval to fit the background. Multiple intervals can be input as separate arguments Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_polynomial_fit_interval("-10.0-0.0","10.-15.") :param time_intervals: intervals to fit on :param options: """ # Find out if we want to binned or unbinned. # TODO: add the option to config file if "unbinned" in options: unbinned = options.pop("unbinned") assert type(unbinned) == bool, "unbinned option must be True or False" else: # assuming unbinned # could use config file here # unbinned = threeML_config['ogip']['use-unbinned-poly-fitting'] unbinned = True # we create some time intervals poly_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*time_intervals) # adjust the selections to the data new_intervals = [] self._poly_selected_counts = [] self._poly_exposure = 0.0 for i, time_interval in enumerate(poly_intervals): t1 = time_interval.start_time t2 = time_interval.stop_time if (self._stop_time <= t1) or (t2 <= self._start_time): custom_warnings.warn( "The time interval %f-%f is out side of the arrival times and will be dropped" % (t1, t2) ) else: if t1 < self._start_time: custom_warnings.warn( "The time interval %f-%f started before the first arrival time (%f), so we are changing the intervals to %f-%f" % (t1, t2, self._start_time, self._start_time, t2) ) t1 = self._start_time # + 1 if t2 > self._stop_time: custom_warnings.warn( "The time interval %f-%f ended after the last arrival time (%f), so we are changing the intervals to %f-%f" % (t1, t2, self._stop_time, t1, self._stop_time) ) t2 = self._stop_time # - 1. new_intervals.append("%f-%f" % (t1, t2)) self._poly_selected_counts.append( self.count_per_channel_over_interval(t1, t2) ) self._poly_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval(t1, t2) # make new intervals after checks poly_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*new_intervals) self._poly_selected_counts = np.sum(self._poly_selected_counts, axis=0) # set the poly intervals as an attribute self._poly_intervals = poly_intervals # Fit the events with the given intervals if unbinned: self._unbinned = True # keep track! self._unbinned_fit_polynomials() else: self._unbinned = False self._fit_polynomials() # we have a fit now self._poly_fit_exists = True if self._verbose: print( "%s %d-order polynomial fit with the %s method" % ( self._fit_method_info["bin type"], self._optimal_polynomial_grade, self._fit_method_info["fit method"], ) ) print("\n") # recalculate the selected counts if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_active_time_intervals(*self._time_intervals.to_string().split(","))
[docs] def get_information_dict(self, use_poly=False, extract=False): """ Return a PHAContainer that can be read by different builders :param use_poly: (bool) choose to build from the polynomial fits """ if not self._time_selection_exists: raise RuntimeError("No time selection exists! Cannot calculate rates") if extract: is_poisson = True counts_err = None counts = self._poly_selected_counts rates = old_div(self._counts, self._poly_exposure) rate_err = None exposure = self._poly_exposure elif use_poly: is_poisson = False counts_err = self._poly_count_err counts = self._poly_counts rate_err = old_div(self._poly_count_err, self._exposure) rates = old_div(self._poly_counts, self._exposure) exposure = self._exposure # removing negative counts idx = counts < 0.0 counts[idx] = 0.0 counts_err[idx] = 0.0 rates[idx] = 0.0 rate_err[idx] = 0.0 else: is_poisson = True counts_err = None counts = self._counts rates = old_div(self._counts, self._exposure) rate_err = None exposure = self._exposure if self._native_quality is None: quality = np.zeros_like(counts, dtype=int) else: quality = self._native_quality container_dict = {} container_dict["instrument"] = self._instrument container_dict["telescope"] = self._mission container_dict["tstart"] = self._time_intervals.absolute_start_time container_dict["telapse"] = ( self._time_intervals.absolute_stop_time - self._time_intervals.absolute_start_time ) container_dict["channel"] = np.arange(self._n_channels) + self._first_channel container_dict["counts"] = counts container_dict["counts error"] = counts_err container_dict["rates"] = rates container_dict["rate error"] = rate_err container_dict["edges"] = self._edges # check to see if we already have a quality object if isinstance(quality, Quality): container_dict["quality"] = quality else: container_dict["quality"] = Quality.from_ogip(quality) # TODO: make sure the grouping makes sense container_dict["backfile"] = "NONE" container_dict["grouping"] = np.ones(self._n_channels) container_dict["exposure"] = exposure # container_dict['response'] = self._response return container_dict
def __repr__(self): """ Examine the currently selected info as well other things. """ return self._output().to_string() def _output(self): info_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for i, interval in enumerate(self.time_intervals): info_dict["active selection (%d)" % (i + 1)] = interval.__repr__() info_dict["active deadtime"] = self._active_dead_time if self._poly_fit_exists: for i, interval in enumerate(self.poly_intervals): info_dict["polynomial selection (%d)" % (i + 1)] = interval.__repr__() info_dict["polynomial order"] = self._optimal_polynomial_grade info_dict["polynomial fit type"] = self._fit_method_info["bin type"] info_dict["polynomial fit method"] = self._fit_method_info["fit method"] return pd.Series(info_dict, index=list(info_dict.keys())) def _fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade(self, cnts, bins, exposure): """ Provides the ability to find the optimum polynomial grade for *binned* counts by fitting the total (all channels) to 0-4 order polynomials and then comparing them via a likelihood ratio test. :param cnts: counts per bin :param bins: the bins used :param exposure: exposure per bin :return: polynomial grade """ min_grade = 0 max_grade = 4 log_likelihoods = [] for grade in range(min_grade, max_grade + 1): polynomial, log_like = polyfit(bins, cnts, grade, exposure) log_likelihoods.append(log_like) # Found the best one delta_loglike = np.array( [2 * (x[0] - x[1]) for x in zip(log_likelihoods[:-1], log_likelihoods[1:])] ) # print("\ndelta log-likelihoods:") # for i in range(max_grade): # print("%s -> %s: delta Log-likelihood = %s" % (i, i + 1, deltaLoglike[i])) # print("") delta_threshold = 9.0 mask = delta_loglike >= delta_threshold if len(mask.nonzero()[0]) == 0: # best grade is zero! best_grade = 0 else: best_grade = mask.nonzero()[0][-1] + 1 return best_grade def _unbinned_fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade(self, events, exposure): """ Provides the ability to find the optimum polynomial grade for *unbinned* events by fitting the total (all channels) to 0-4 order polynomials and then comparing them via a likelihood ratio test. :param events: an event list :param exposure: the exposure per event :return: polynomial grade """ # Fit the sum of all the channels to determine the optimal polynomial # grade min_grade = 0 max_grade = 4 log_likelihoods = [] t_start = self._poly_intervals.start_times t_stop = self._poly_intervals.stop_times for grade in range(min_grade, max_grade + 1): polynomial, log_like = unbinned_polyfit( events, grade, t_start, t_stop, exposure ) log_likelihoods.append(log_like) # Found the best one delta_loglike = np.array( [2 * (x[0] - x[1]) for x in zip(log_likelihoods[:-1], log_likelihoods[1:])] ) delta_threshold = 9.0 mask = delta_loglike >= delta_threshold if len(mask.nonzero()[0]) == 0: # best grade is zero! best_grade = 0 else: best_grade = mask.nonzero()[0][-1] + 1 return best_grade def _fit_polynomials(self): raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass") def _unbinned_fit_polynomials(self): raise NotImplementedError("this must be implemented in a subclass")
[docs] def save_background(self, filename, overwrite=False): """ save the background to an HD5F :param filename: :return: """ # make the file name proper filename = os.path.splitext(filename) filename = "%s.h5" % filename[0] filename_sanitized = sanitize_filename(filename) # Check that it does not exists if os.path.exists(filename_sanitized): if overwrite: try: os.remove(filename_sanitized) except: raise IOError( "The file %s already exists and cannot be removed (maybe you do not have " "permissions to do so?). " % filename_sanitized ) else: raise IOError("The file %s already exists!" % filename_sanitized) with HDFStore(filename_sanitized) as store: # extract the polynomial information and save it if self._poly_fit_exists: coeff = [] err = [] for poly in self._polynomials: coeff.append(poly.coefficients) err.append(poly.covariance_matrix) df_coeff = pd.Series(coeff) df_err = pd.Series(err) else: raise RuntimeError("the polynomials have not been fit yet") df_coeff.to_hdf(store, "coefficients") df_err.to_hdf(store, "covariance") store.get_storer("coefficients").attrs.metadata = { "poly_order": self._optimal_polynomial_grade, "poly_selections": list( zip( self._poly_intervals.start_times, self._poly_intervals.stop_times, ) ), "unbinned": self._unbinned, "fit_method": self._fit_method_info["fit method"], } if self._verbose: print("\nSaved fitted background to %s.\n" % filename)
[docs] def restore_fit(self, filename): filename_sanitized = sanitize_filename(filename) with HDFStore(filename_sanitized) as store: coefficients = store["coefficients"] covariance = store["covariance"] self._polynomials = [] # create new polynomials for i in range(len(coefficients)): coeff = np.array(coefficients.loc[i]) # make sure we get the right order # pandas stores the non-needed coeff # as nans. coeff = coeff[np.isfinite(coeff)] cov = covariance.loc[i] self._polynomials.append(Polynomial.from_previous_fit(coeff, cov)) metadata = store.get_storer("coefficients").attrs.metadata self._optimal_polynomial_grade = metadata["poly_order"] poly_selections = np.array(metadata["poly_selections"]) self._poly_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_starts_and_stops( poly_selections[:, 0], poly_selections[:, 1] ) self._unbinned = metadata["unbinned"] if self._unbinned: self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "unbinned" else: self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "binned" self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = metadata["fit_method"] # go thru and count the counts! self._poly_fit_exists = True # we must go thru and collect the polynomial exposure and counts # so that they be extracted if needed self._poly_exposure = 0.0 self._poly_selected_counts = [] for i, time_interval in enumerate(self._poly_intervals): t1 = time_interval.start_time t2 = time_interval.stop_time self._poly_selected_counts.append( self.count_per_channel_over_interval(t1, t2) ) self._poly_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval(t1, t2) self._poly_selected_counts = np.sum(self._poly_selected_counts, axis=0) if self._time_selection_exists: self.set_active_time_intervals(*self._time_intervals.to_string().split(","))
[docs] def view_lightcurve(self, start=-10, stop=20.0, dt=1.0, use_binner=False): raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented in subclass")