Source code for threeML.utils.time_series.event_list

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import range
from past.utils import old_div

__author__ = "grburgess"

import collections
import copy
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import HDFStore

from threeML.config.config import threeML_config
from threeML.exceptions.custom_exceptions import custom_warnings
from import sanitize_filename
from import progress_bar
from import display
from threeML.utils.binner import TemporalBinner
from threeML.utils.time_interval import TimeIntervalSet
from threeML.utils.time_series.polynomial import polyfit, unbinned_polyfit
from threeML.utils.time_series.time_series import TimeSeries
from import binned_light_curve_plot

[docs]class ReducingNumberOfThreads(Warning): pass
[docs]class ReducingNumberOfSteps(Warning): pass
[docs]class OverLappingIntervals(RuntimeError): pass
# find out how many splits we need to make
[docs]def ceildiv(a, b): return -(-a // b)
[docs]class EventList(TimeSeries): def __init__( self, arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time=None, stop_time=None, native_quality=None, first_channel=0, ra=None, dec=None, mission=None, instrument=None, verbose=True, edges=None, ): """ The EventList is a container for event data that is tagged in time and in PHA/energy. It handles event selection, temporal polynomial fitting, temporal binning, and exposure calculations (in subclasses). Once events are selected and/or polynomials are fit, the selections can be extracted via a PHAContainer which is can be read by an OGIPLike instance and translated into a PHA instance. :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param measurement: list of event energies or pha channels :param native_quality: native pha quality flags :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param mission: :param instrument: :param verbose: :param ra: :param dec: """ # pass up to TimeSeries super(EventList, self).__init__( start_time, stop_time, n_channels, native_quality, first_channel, ra, dec, mission, instrument, verbose, edges, ) self._arrival_times = np.asarray(arrival_times) self._measurement = np.asarray(measurement) self._temporal_binner = None assert self._arrival_times.shape[0] == self._measurement.shape[0], ( "Arrival time (%d) and energies (%d) have different shapes" % (self._arrival_times.shape[0], self._measurement.shape[0]) ) @property def n_events(self): return self._arrival_times.shape[0] @property def arrival_times(self): return self._arrival_times @property def measurement(self): return self._measurement @property def bins(self): if self._temporal_binner is not None: return self._temporal_binner else: raise RuntimeError("This EventList has no binning specified")
[docs] def bin_by_significance(self, start, stop, sigma, mask=None, min_counts=1): """ Interface to the temporal binner's significance binning model :param start: start of the interval to bin on :param stop: stop of the interval ot bin on :param sigma: sigma-level of the bins :param mask: (bool) use the energy mask to decide on ,significance :param min_counts: minimum number of counts per bin :return: """ if mask is not None: # create phas to check phas = np.arange(self._first_channel, self._n_channels)[mask] this_mask = np.zeros_like(self._arrival_times, dtype=np.bool) for channel in phas: this_mask = np.logical_or(this_mask, self._measurement == channel) events = self._arrival_times[this_mask] else: events = copy.copy(self._arrival_times) events = events[np.logical_and(events <= stop, events >= start)] tmp_bkg_getter = lambda a, b: self.get_total_poly_count(a, b, mask) tmp_err_getter = lambda a, b: self.get_total_poly_error(a, b, mask) # self._temporal_binner.bin_by_significance(tmp_bkg_getter, # background_error_getter=tmp_err_getter, # sigma_level=sigma, # min_counts=min_counts) self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner.bin_by_significance( events, tmp_bkg_getter, background_error_getter=tmp_err_getter, sigma_level=sigma, min_counts=min_counts, )
[docs] def bin_by_constant(self, start, stop, dt=1): """ Interface to the temporal binner's constant binning mode :param start: start time of the bins :param stop: stop time of the bins :param dt: temporal spacing of the bins :return: """ events = self._arrival_times[ np.logical_and(self._arrival_times >= start, self._arrival_times <= stop) ] self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner.bin_by_constant(events, dt)
[docs] def bin_by_custom(self, start, stop): """ Interface to temporal binner's custom bin mode :param start: start times of the bins :param stop: stop times of the bins :return: """ self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner.bin_by_custom(start, stop)
# self._temporal_binner.bin_by_custom(start, stop)
[docs] def bin_by_bayesian_blocks(self, start, stop, p0, use_background=False): events = self._arrival_times[ np.logical_and(self._arrival_times >= start, self._arrival_times <= stop) ] # self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner(events) if use_background: integral_background = lambda t: self.get_total_poly_count(start, t) self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner.bin_by_bayesian_blocks( events, p0, bkg_integral_distribution=integral_background ) else: self._temporal_binner = TemporalBinner.bin_by_bayesian_blocks(events, p0)
[docs] def view_lightcurve(self, start=-10, stop=20.0, dt=1.0, use_binner=False): # type: (float, float, float, bool) -> None """ :param start: :param stop: :param dt: :param use_binner: """ if use_binner: # we will use the binner object to bin the # light curve and ignore the normal linear binning bins = self.bins.time_edges # perhaps we want to look a little before or after the binner if start < bins[0]: pre_bins = np.arange(start, bins[0], dt).tolist()[:-1] pre_bins.extend(bins) bins = pre_bins if stop > bins[-1]: post_bins = np.arange(bins[-1], stop, dt) bins.extend(post_bins[1:]) else: # otherwise, just use regular linear binning bins = np.arange(start, stop + dt, dt) cnts, bins = np.histogram(self.arrival_times, bins=bins) time_bins = np.array([[bins[i], bins[i + 1]] for i in range(len(bins) - 1)]) # width = np.diff(bins) width = [] # now we want to get the estimated background from the polynomial fit if self.poly_fit_exists: # we will store the bkg rate for each time bin bkg = [] for j, tb in enumerate(time_bins): # zero out the bkg tmpbkg = 0.0 # we will use the exposure for the width this_width = self.exposure_over_interval(tb[0], tb[1]) # sum up the counts over this interval for poly in self.polynomials: tmpbkg += poly.integral(tb[0], tb[1]) # capture the exposure width.append(this_width) # capture the bkg *rate* bkg.append(old_div(tmpbkg, this_width)) else: bkg = None for j, tb in enumerate(time_bins): this_width = self.exposure_over_interval(tb[0], tb[1]) width.append(this_width) width = np.array(width) # pass all this to the light curve plotter if self.time_intervals is not None: selection = self.time_intervals.bin_stack else: selection = None if self.poly_intervals is not None: bkg_selection = self.poly_intervals.bin_stack else: bkg_selection = None return binned_light_curve_plot( time_bins=time_bins, cnts=cnts, width=width, bkg=bkg, selection=selection, bkg_selections=bkg_selection, )
[docs] def counts_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ return the number of counts in the selected interval :param start: start of interval :param stop: stop of interval :return: """ # this will be a boolean list and the sum will be the # number of events return self._select_events(start, stop).sum()
[docs] def count_per_channel_over_interval(self, start, stop): channels = list( range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel) ) counts_per_channel = np.zeros(len(channels)) selection = self._select_events(start, stop) for i, channel in enumerate(channels): channel_mask = self._measurement[selection] == channel counts_per_channel[i] += channel_mask.sum() return counts_per_channel
def _select_events(self, start, stop): """ return an index of the selected events :param start: start time :param stop: stop time :return: """ return np.logical_and(start <= self._arrival_times, self._arrival_times <= stop) def _fit_polynomials(self): """ Binned fit to each channel. Sets the polynomial array that will be used to compute counts over an interval :return: """ self._poly_fit_exists = True self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "Binned" self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = threeML_config["event list"][ "binned fit method" ] # Select all the events that are in the background regions # and make a mask all_bkg_masks = [] for selection in self._poly_intervals: all_bkg_masks.append( np.logical_and( self._arrival_times >= selection.start_time, self._arrival_times <= selection.stop_time, ) ) poly_mask = all_bkg_masks[0] # If there are multiple masks: if len(all_bkg_masks) > 1: for mask in all_bkg_masks[1:]: poly_mask = np.logical_or(poly_mask, mask) # Select the all the events in the poly selections # We only need to do this once total_poly_events = self._arrival_times[poly_mask] # For the channel energies we will need to down select again. # We can go ahead and do this to avoid repeated computations total_poly_energies = self._measurement[poly_mask] # This calculation removes the unselected portion of the light curve # so that we are not fitting zero counts. It will be used in the channel calculations # as well bin_width = 1.0 # seconds these_bins = np.arange(self._start_time, self._stop_time, bin_width) cnts, bins = np.histogram(total_poly_events, bins=these_bins) # Find the mean time of the bins and calculate the exposure in each bin mean_time = [] exposure_per_bin = [] for i in range(len(bins) - 1): m = np.mean((bins[i], bins[i + 1])) mean_time.append(m) exposure_per_bin.append(self.exposure_over_interval(bins[i], bins[i + 1])) mean_time = np.array(mean_time) exposure_per_bin = np.array(exposure_per_bin) # Remove bins with zero counts all_non_zero_mask = [] for selection in self._poly_intervals: all_non_zero_mask.append( np.logical_and( mean_time >= selection.start_time, mean_time <= selection.stop_time ) ) non_zero_mask = all_non_zero_mask[0] if len(all_non_zero_mask) > 1: for mask in all_non_zero_mask[1:]: non_zero_mask = np.logical_or(mask, non_zero_mask) # Now we will find the the best poly order unless the use specified one # The total cnts (over channels) is binned to .1 sec intervals if self._user_poly_order == -1: self._optimal_polynomial_grade = self._fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade( cnts[non_zero_mask], mean_time[non_zero_mask], exposure_per_bin[non_zero_mask], ) if self._verbose: print( "Auto-determined polynomial order: %d" % self._optimal_polynomial_grade ) print("\n") else: self._optimal_polynomial_grade = self._user_poly_order channels = list( range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel) ) polynomials = [] with progress_bar( self._n_channels, title="Fitting %s background" % self._instrument ) as p: for channel in channels: channel_mask = total_poly_energies == channel # Mask background events and current channel # poly_chan_mask = np.logical_and(poly_mask, channel_mask) # Select the masked events current_events = total_poly_events[channel_mask] # now bin the selected channel counts cnts, bins = np.histogram(current_events, bins=these_bins) # Put data to fit in an x vector and y vector polynomial, _ = polyfit( mean_time[non_zero_mask], cnts[non_zero_mask], self._optimal_polynomial_grade, exposure_per_bin[non_zero_mask], ) polynomials.append(polynomial) p.increase() # We are now ready to return the polynomials self._polynomials = polynomials def _unbinned_fit_polynomials(self): self._poly_fit_exists = True # inform the type of fit we have self._fit_method_info["bin type"] = "Unbinned" self._fit_method_info["fit method"] = threeML_config["event list"][ "unbinned fit method" ] # Select all the events that are in the background regions # and make a mask all_bkg_masks = [] total_duration = 0.0 poly_exposure = 0 for selection in self._poly_intervals: total_duration += selection.duration poly_exposure += self.exposure_over_interval( selection.start_time, selection.stop_time ) all_bkg_masks.append( np.logical_and( self._arrival_times >= selection.start_time, self._arrival_times <= selection.stop_time, ) ) poly_mask = all_bkg_masks[0] # If there are multiple masks: if len(all_bkg_masks) > 1: for mask in all_bkg_masks[1:]: poly_mask = np.logical_or(poly_mask, mask) # Select the all the events in the poly selections # We only need to do this once total_poly_events = self._arrival_times[poly_mask] # For the channel energies we will need to down select again. # We can go ahead and do this to avoid repeated computations total_poly_energies = self._measurement[poly_mask] # Now we will find the the best poly order unless the use specified one # The total cnts (over channels) is binned to .1 sec intervals if self._user_poly_order == -1: self._optimal_polynomial_grade = self._unbinned_fit_global_and_determine_optimum_grade( total_poly_events, poly_exposure ) if self._verbose: print( "Auto-determined polynomial order: %d" % self._optimal_polynomial_grade ) print("\n") else: self._optimal_polynomial_grade = self._user_poly_order channels = list( range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel) ) # Check whether we are parallelizing or not t_start = self._poly_intervals.start_times t_stop = self._poly_intervals.stop_times polynomials = [] with progress_bar( self._n_channels, title="Fitting %s background" % self._instrument ) as p: for channel in channels: channel_mask = total_poly_energies == channel # Mask background events and current channel # poly_chan_mask = np.logical_and(poly_mask, channel_mask) # Select the masked events current_events = total_poly_events[channel_mask] polynomial, _ = unbinned_polyfit( current_events, self._optimal_polynomial_grade, t_start, t_stop, poly_exposure, ) polynomials.append(polynomial) p.increase() # We are now ready to return the polynomials self._polynomials = polynomials
[docs]class EventListWithDeadTime(EventList): def __init__( self, arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time=None, stop_time=None, dead_time=None, first_channel=0, quality=None, ra=None, dec=None, mission=None, instrument=None, verbose=True, edges=None, ): """ An EventList where the exposure is calculated via and array of dead times per event. Summing these dead times over an interval => live time = interval - dead time :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param dead_time: an array of deadtime per event :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param quality: native pha quality flags :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param measurement: list of event energies or pha channels :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param mission: mission name :param instrument: instrument name :param verbose: verbose level :param ra: :param dec: """ super(EventListWithDeadTime, self).__init__( arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time, stop_time, quality, first_channel, ra, dec, mission, instrument, verbose, edges, ) if dead_time is not None: self._dead_time = np.asarray(dead_time) assert self._arrival_times.shape[0] == self._dead_time.shape[0], ( "Arrival time (%d) and Dead Time (%d) have different shapes" % (self._arrival_times.shape[0], self._dead_time.shape[0]) ) else: self._dead_time = None
[docs] def exposure_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ calculate the exposure over the given interval :param start: start time :param stop: stop time :return: """ mask = self._select_events(start, stop) if self._dead_time is not None: interval_deadtime = (self._dead_time[mask]).sum() else: interval_deadtime = 0 return (stop - start) - interval_deadtime
[docs] def set_active_time_intervals(self, *args): """Set the time interval(s) to be used during the analysis. Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_active_time_intervals("0.0-10.0") which will set the energy range 0-10. seconds. """ self._time_selection_exists = True interval_masks = [] time_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*args) time_intervals.merge_intersecting_intervals(in_place=True) for interval in time_intervals: tmin = interval.start_time tmax = interval.stop_time mask = self._select_events(tmin, tmax) interval_masks.append(mask) self._time_intervals = time_intervals time_mask = interval_masks[0] if len(interval_masks) > 1: for mask in interval_masks[1:]: time_mask = np.logical_or(time_mask, mask) tmp_counts = [] # Temporary list to hold the total counts per chan for chan in range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel): channel_mask = self._measurement == chan counts_mask = np.logical_and(channel_mask, time_mask) total_counts = len(self._arrival_times[counts_mask]) tmp_counts.append(total_counts) self._counts = np.array(tmp_counts) tmp_counts = [] tmp_err = [] # Temporary list to hold the err counts per chan if self._poly_fit_exists: if not self._poly_fit_exists: raise RuntimeError("A polynomial fit to the channels does not exist!") for chan in range(self._n_channels): total_counts = 0 counts_err = 0 for tmin, tmax in zip( self._time_intervals.start_times, self._time_intervals.stop_times ): # Now integrate the appropriate background polynomial total_counts += self._polynomials[chan].integral(tmin, tmax) counts_err += ( self._polynomials[chan].integral_error(tmin, tmax) ) ** 2 tmp_counts.append(total_counts) tmp_err.append(np.sqrt(counts_err)) self._poly_counts = np.array(tmp_counts) self._poly_count_err = np.array(tmp_err) # Dead time correction exposure = 0.0 for interval in self._time_intervals: exposure += interval.duration if self._dead_time is not None: total_dead_time = self._dead_time[time_mask].sum() else: total_dead_time = 0.0 self._exposure = exposure - total_dead_time self._active_dead_time = total_dead_time
[docs]class EventListWithDeadTimeFraction(EventList): def __init__( self, arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time=None, stop_time=None, dead_time_fraction=None, first_channel=0, quality=None, ra=None, dec=None, mission=None, instrument=None, verbose=True, edges=None, ): """ An EventList where the exposure is calculated via and array dead time fractions per event . Summing these dead times over an interval => live time = interval - dead time :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param dead_time: an array of deadtime fraction :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param quality: native pha quality flags :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param measurement: list of event energies or pha channels :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param mission: mission name :param instrument: instrument name :param verbose: verbose level :param ra: :param dec: """ super(EventListWithDeadTimeFraction, self).__init__( arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time, stop_time, quality, first_channel, ra, dec, mission, instrument, verbose, edges, ) if dead_time_fraction is not None: self._dead_time_fraction = np.asarray(dead_time_fraction) assert self._arrival_times.shape[0] == self._dead_time_fraction.shape[0], ( "Arrival time (%d) and Dead Time (%d) have different shapes" % (self._arrival_times.shape[0], self._dead_time_fraction.shape[0]) ) else: self._dead_time_fraction = None
[docs] def exposure_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ calculate the exposure over the given interval :param start: start time :param stop: stop time :return: """ mask = self._select_events(start, stop) interval = stop - start if self._dead_time_fraction is not None: interval_deadtime = (self._dead_time_fraction[mask]).mean() * interval else: interval_deadtime = 0 return interval - interval_deadtime
[docs] def set_active_time_intervals(self, *args): """Set the time interval(s) to be used during the analysis. Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_active_time_intervals("0.0-10.0") which will set the energy range 0-10. seconds. """ self._time_selection_exists = True interval_masks = [] time_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*args) time_intervals.merge_intersecting_intervals(in_place=True) for interval in time_intervals: tmin = interval.start_time tmax = interval.stop_time mask = self._select_events(tmin, tmax) interval_masks.append(mask) self._time_intervals = time_intervals time_mask = interval_masks[0] if len(interval_masks) > 1: for mask in interval_masks[1:]: time_mask = np.logical_or(time_mask, mask) tmp_counts = [] # Temporary list to hold the total counts per chan for chan in range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel): channel_mask = self._measurement == chan counts_mask = np.logical_and(channel_mask, time_mask) total_counts = len(self._arrival_times[counts_mask]) tmp_counts.append(total_counts) self._counts = np.array(tmp_counts) tmp_counts = [] tmp_err = [] # Temporary list to hold the err counts per chan if self._poly_fit_exists: if not self._poly_fit_exists: raise RuntimeError("A polynomial fit to the channels does not exist!") for chan in range(self._n_channels): total_counts = 0 counts_err = 0 for tmin, tmax in zip( self._time_intervals.start_times, self._time_intervals.stop_times ): # Now integrate the appropriate background polynomial total_counts += self._polynomials[chan].integral(tmin, tmax) counts_err += ( self._polynomials[chan].integral_error(tmin, tmax) ) ** 2 tmp_counts.append(total_counts) tmp_err.append(np.sqrt(counts_err)) self._poly_counts = np.array(tmp_counts) self._poly_count_err = np.array(tmp_err) # Dead time correction exposure = 0.0 total_dead_time = 0.0 for interval, imask in zip(self._time_intervals, interval_masks): exposure += interval.duration if self._dead_time_fraction is not None: total_dead_time += ( interval.duration * self._dead_time_fraction[imask].mean() ) self._exposure = exposure - total_dead_time self._active_dead_time = total_dead_time
[docs]class EventListWithLiveTime(EventList): def __init__( self, arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, live_time, live_time_starts, live_time_stops, start_time=None, stop_time=None, quality=None, first_channel=0, rsp_file=None, ra=None, dec=None, mission=None, instrument=None, verbose=True, edges=None, ): """ An EventList where the exposure is calculated via and array of livetimes per interval. :param arrival_times: list of event arrival times :param measurement: list of event energies or pha channels :param live_time: array of livetime fractions :param live_time_starts: start of livetime fraction bins :param live_time_stops: stop of livetime fraction bins :param mission: mission name :param instrument: instrument name :param n_channels: Number of detector channels :param start_time: start time of the event list :param stop_time: stop time of the event list :param quality: native pha quality flags :param first_channel: where detchans begin indexing :param edges: The histogram boundaries if not specified by a response :param rsp_file: the response file corresponding to these events :param verbose: :param ra: :param dec: """ assert len(live_time) == len(live_time_starts), ( "Live time fraction (%d) and live time start (%d) have different shapes" % (len(live_time), len(live_time_starts)) ) assert len(live_time) == len(live_time_stops), ( "Live time fraction (%d) and live time stop (%d) have different shapes" % (len(live_time), len(live_time_stops)) ) super(EventListWithLiveTime, self).__init__( arrival_times, measurement, n_channels, start_time, stop_time, quality, first_channel, ra, dec, mission, instrument, verbose, ) self._live_time = np.asarray(live_time) self._live_time_starts = np.asarray(live_time_starts) self._live_time_stops = np.asarray(live_time_stops)
[docs] def exposure_over_interval(self, start, stop): """ :param start: start time of interval :param stop: stop time of interval :return: exposure """ # First see if the interval is completely contained inside a # livetime interval. In this case we only compute that. # Note that this is explicitly on the open boundary of the # intervals because the closed boundary is covered in the # next step inside_idx = np.logical_and( self._live_time_starts < start, stop < self._live_time_stops ) # see if it contains elements if self._live_time[inside_idx].size > 0: # we want to take a fraction of the live time covered dt = self._live_time_stops[inside_idx] - self._live_time_starts[inside_idx] fraction = old_div((stop - start), dt) total_livetime = self._live_time[inside_idx] * fraction else: # First we get the live time of bins that are fully contained in the given interval # We now go for the closed interval because it is possible to have overlap with other intervals # when a closed interval exists... but not when there is only an open interval full_inclusion_idx = np.logical_and( start <= self._live_time_starts, stop >= self._live_time_stops ) full_inclusion_livetime = self._live_time[full_inclusion_idx].sum() # Now we get the fractional parts on the left and right # Get the fractional part of the left bin left_remainder_idx = np.logical_and( start <= self._live_time_stops, self._live_time_starts <= start ) dt = ( self._live_time_stops[left_remainder_idx] - self._live_time_starts[left_remainder_idx] ) # we want the distance to the stop of this bin distance_from_next_bin = self._live_time_stops[left_remainder_idx] - start fraction = old_div(distance_from_next_bin, dt) left_fractional_livetime = self._live_time[left_remainder_idx] * fraction # Get the fractional part of the right bin right_remainder_idx = np.logical_and( self._live_time_starts <= stop, stop <= self._live_time_stops ) dt = ( self._live_time_stops[right_remainder_idx] - self._live_time_starts[right_remainder_idx] ) # we want the distance from the last full bin distance_from_next_bin = stop - self._live_time_starts[right_remainder_idx] fraction = old_div(distance_from_next_bin, dt) right_fractional_livetime = self._live_time[right_remainder_idx] * fraction # sum up all the live time total_livetime = ( full_inclusion_livetime + left_fractional_livetime + right_fractional_livetime ) # the sum at the end converts all the arrays to floats return total_livetime.sum()
[docs] def set_active_time_intervals(self, *args): """Set the time interval(s) to be used during the analysis. Specified as 'tmin-tmax'. Intervals are in seconds. Example: set_active_time_intervals("0.0-10.0") which will set the energy range 0-10. seconds. """ self._time_selection_exists = True interval_masks = [] time_intervals = TimeIntervalSet.from_strings(*args) time_intervals.merge_intersecting_intervals(in_place=True) for interval in time_intervals: tmin = interval.start_time tmax = interval.stop_time mask = self._select_events(tmin, tmax) interval_masks.append(mask) self._time_intervals = time_intervals time_mask = interval_masks[0] if len(interval_masks) > 1: for mask in interval_masks[1:]: time_mask = np.logical_or(time_mask, mask) tmp_counts = [] # Temporary list to hold the total counts per chan for chan in range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel): channel_mask = self._measurement == chan counts_mask = np.logical_and(channel_mask, time_mask) total_counts = len(self._arrival_times[counts_mask]) tmp_counts.append(total_counts) self._counts = np.array(tmp_counts) tmp_counts = [] tmp_err = [] # Temporary list to hold the err counts per chan if self._poly_fit_exists: if not self._poly_fit_exists: raise RuntimeError("A polynomial fit to the channels does not exist!") # for chan in range(self._first_channel, self._n_channels + self._first_channel): for chan in range(self._n_channels): total_counts = 0 counts_err = 0 for tmin, tmax in zip( self._time_intervals.start_times, self._time_intervals.stop_times ): # Now integrate the appropriate background polynomial total_counts += self._polynomials[chan].integral(tmin, tmax) counts_err += ( self._polynomials[chan].integral_error(tmin, tmax) ) ** 2 tmp_counts.append(total_counts) tmp_err.append(np.sqrt(counts_err)) self._poly_counts = np.array(tmp_counts) self._poly_count_err = np.array(tmp_err) # Live time correction exposure = 0.0 total_real_time = 0.0 for interval in self._time_intervals: total_real_time += interval.duration exposure += self.exposure_over_interval( interval.start_time, interval.stop_time ) # In this case the exposure is the total live time self._exposure = exposure self._active_dead_time = total_real_time - exposure