Source code for threeML.utils.photometry.filter_set

from __future__ import division
from builtins import zip
from builtins import object
from past.utils import old_div
import speclite.filters as spec_filters
import astropy.units as astro_units
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as constants

from threeML.utils.interval import IntervalSet

[docs]class NotASpeclikeFilter(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class FilterSet(object): def __init__(self, filter, mask=None): """ This class handles the optical filter functionality. It is build around speclite: It accepts speclite fitlerresponse or sequences, allowing for full customization of the fitlers. :param filter: a speclite FitlerResponse or FilterSequence :param mask: an initial mask on the filters (bool array) that remains fixed """ # we explicitly violate duck typing here in order to have one routine # to return values from the filters (speclite appends 's' to the end of sequence calls) if isinstance(filter, spec_filters.FilterResponse): # we will make a sequence self._filters = spec_filters.FilterSequence([filter]) elif isinstance(filter, spec_filters.FilterSequence): self._filters = filter # type: spec_filters.FilterSequence else: raise NotASpeclikeFilter( "filter must be a speclite FilterResponse or FilterSequence" ) if mask is not None: tmp = [] for condition, response in zip(mask, self._filters): if condition: tmp.append(response) self._filters = spec_filters.FilterSequence(tmp) self._names = np.array([name.split("-")[1] for name in self._filters.names]) self._long_name = self._filters.names # haven't set a likelihood model yet self._model_set = False # calculate the FWHM self._calculate_fwhm() @property def wavelength_bounds(self): """ IntervalSet of FWHM bounds of the filters :return: """ return self._wavebounds def _calculate_fwhm(self): """ calculate the FWHM of the filters :return: """ wmin = [] wmax = [] # go through each filter # and find the non-gaussian FWHM bounds for filter in self._filters: response = filter.response max_response = response.max() idx_max = response.argmax() half_max = 0.5 * max_response idx1 = abs(response[:idx_max] - half_max).argmin() idx2 = abs(response[idx_max:] - half_max).argmin() + idx_max # have to grab the private member here # bc the library does not expose it! w1 = filter._wavelength[idx1] w2 = filter._wavelength[idx2] wmin.append(w1) wmax.append(w2) self._wavebounds = IntervalSet.from_starts_and_stops(wmin, wmax)
[docs] def set_model(self, differential_flux): """ set the model of that will be used during the convolution. Not that speclite considers a differential flux to be in units of erg/s/cm2/lambda so we must convert astromodels into the proper units (using astropy units!) """ conversion_factor = (constants.c ** 2 * constants.h ** 2).to("keV2 * cm2") def wrapped_model(x): return old_div(differential_flux(x) * conversion_factor, x ** 3) self._wrapped_model = wrapped_model self._model_set = True
[docs] def ab_magnitudes(self): """ return the effective stimulus of the model and filter for the given magnitude system :return: np.ndarray of ab magnitudes """ assert self._model_set, "no likelihood model has been set" # speclite has issues with unit conversion # so we will do the calculation manually here ratio = [] for filter in self._filters: # first get the flux and convert it to base units synthetic_flux = filter.convolve_with_function(self._wrapped_model).to( "1/(cm2 s)" ) # normalize it to the filter's AB magnitude ratio.append( (old_div(synthetic_flux,"1/(cm2 s)"))).value ) ratio = np.array(ratio) return -2.5 * np.log10(ratio)
# return self._filters.get_ab_magnitudes(self._wrapped_model).to_pandas().loc[0]
[docs] def plot_filters(self): """ plot the filter/ transmission curves :return: fig """ spec_filters.plot_filters(self._filters)
@property def n_bands(self): """ :return: the number of bands """ return len(self._filters.names) @property def filter_names(self): """ :return: the filter names """ return self._names @property def native_filter_names(self): """ the native filter names :return: """ return self._filters.names @property def speclite_filters(self): """ exposes the speclite fitlers for simulations :return: """ return self._filters @property def effective_wavelength(self): """ :return: the average wave length of the filters """ return self._filters.effective_wavelengths @property def waveunits(self): """ :return: the pysynphot wave units """ return astro_units.Angstrom